Discovered an issue?

Want to talk with @funilrys about it? Contact @funilrys on Keybase.

Want to make it public? Fill a new issue.

Don’t want to fill an issue on GitHub? Let’s discuss it on our issues team on Keybase.

Need help?

Do you need help with the usage or application of PyFunceble? We can help!

Want to talk with @funilrys about it? Contact @funilrys on Keybase.

Otherwise, let’s discuss it on our support team on Keybase!

Need information?

Since recently, you can get information and discuss about PyFunceble on our main Keybase team. We try to keep it up-to-date with some information about the development and news about PyFunceble.

If you need more broad information which does not fit in our support team or issues team, that’s the place to ask!