From a Travis CI container

As we offer an argument named --travis to activate the usage of PyFunceble in a Travis CI instance, we document here what you need to know!



This part only present a commented .travis.yml so that you can understand where to start.

If you need more practical examples, feel free to report to one of Dead-Hosts repositories which use PyFunceble with Travis CI.

        # The following is your encrypted GitHub API key.
        # Indeed as we are going to push to the repository, this is needed.
        - secure: 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
        # This is the Git name we have to set. (git config
        - GIT_NAME: Travis CI
        # This is the Git Email we have to set. (git config
        - GIT_EMAIL:
        # This is the full slug of the repository we are working with.
        - TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG: dead-hosts/repository-structure
        # This is the branch we have to checkout and push to.
        - GIT_BRANCH: master

# This is the language we use.
language: python

# This is the python version we are going to use for the tests.
# Note: you can add any 3.x version to the list.
- "3.6"

# The following will tell Travis CI to ends as fast as possible.
    fast_finish: true

# Here we are setting what Travis CI have to cache.
    # We are caching pip3 as we use it to install PyFunceble
    - pip3

    # We install the development version of PyFunceble. If you prefer the stable version replace `pyfunceble-dev` with `pyfunceble`.
    - pip3 install pyfunceble-dev

# Our tests start here.
    # Let's say we want our results and our PyFunceble infrastructure to be saved in a directory called `PyFunceble-tests`

    # We move inside it.
    - cd PyFunceble-tests
    # We test the file `my_awesome_list` which is located inside the current directory.
    # Note: we precise the `--travis` argument here,
    #     but you work without it if you set `travis: true` inside your `.PyFunceble.yaml`
    - PyFunceble --travis -f my_awesome_list --plain

# The following initiate email notification logic.
    # As we want to get a mail on failure and on status change, we set the following.
    on_success:   change
    on_failure:   always

Getting a GitHub token

For the secure index of the .travis.yml file, you have to generate a new GitHub token.

After you got your token, please write it or save it in a safe place as you’re going to need it every time you’re going to interact with Travis CI.


The scope to set is public_repo but you can also set others depending on your needs.

Encrypting the token future usage under the Travis CI container

To encrypt the token simply replace and execute the following according to your personal case.

$ travis encrypt 'GH_TOKEN=theGeneratedToken' -r 'The content of TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG' --add


Please do not execute the following explicitly without replacing theGeneratedToken with your previously generated GitHub token and The content of TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG with your repository slug.


The usage of --add ensure that the travis program automatically add the secure index to the .travis.yml file.