Using the PyFunceble (Python) API

If you are working with a python script, module or even class, you can integrate PyFunceble to your main logic by importing it and using its API (cf: Enpoints).

This section will present some example of the way you can interact with PyFunceble from anything written in Python.

Get the availability of domains or IP


This example can be found in our examples repository.


Add IPs in the loop.

This is an example which respond to the following problematic(s):

    * How can I get the avaibility of a domain or IP with PyFunceble ?

# We want some coloration so we import the tool do to that :)
from PyFunceble import initiate_colorama, Fore, Style
# We import the tool to print the colored CLI logo.
from PyFunceble.cli_core import CLICore
# We import the configuration loader.
from PyFunceble import load_config
# We import the test method of the PyFunceble API.
from PyFunceble import test as PyFunceble

# We initiate the list of domains we are going to test.

# We initiate colorama.

# We load our configuration.
# Note: We need this to print the logo but if you
# doesn't need the logo, you can ignore this.

# We print the PyFunceble logo.

def print_result(subject, status):
    Given the subject and its status, we print it to STDOUT.

    :param str subject: The subject we are going to print.
    :param str status: The status of the domain.

    if status == "ACTIVE":
        print(f"{Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT}{domain} is {status}")
    elif status == "INACTIVE":
        print(f"{Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT}{domain} is {status}")
        print(f"{Fore.CYAN + Style.BRIGHT}{domain} is {status}")

for domain in DOMAINS:
    # We loop through the list of domain.

    # And we print the domain and status with the right coloration!
    print_result(domain, PyFunceble(domain))

Get the availability of URL


This example can be found in our examples repository.

This is an example which respond to the following problematic(s):

    * How can I get the avaibility of an URL with PyFunceble ?

# We want some coloration so we import the tool do to that :)
from PyFunceble import initiate_colorama, Fore, Style
# We import the tool to print the colored CLI logo.
from PyFunceble.cli_core import CLICore
# We import the configuration loader.
from PyFunceble import load_config
# We import the test method of the PyFunceble API.
from PyFunceble import url_test as PyFunceble

# We initiate the list of URLs we are going to test.
URLS = [

# We initiate colorama.

# We load our configuration.
# Note: We need this to print the logo but if you
# doesn't need the logo, you can ignore this.

# We print the PyFunceble logo.

def print_result(subject, status):
    Given the subject and its status, we print it to STDOUT.

    :param str subject: The subject we are going to print.
    :param str status: The status of the domain.

    if status == "ACTIVE":
        print(f"{Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT}{domain} is {status}")
    elif status == "INACTIVE":
        print(f"{Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT}{domain} is {status}")
        print(f"{Fore.CYAN + Style.BRIGHT}{domain} is {status}")

for url in URLS:
    # We loop through the list of domain.

    # And we print the domain and status with the right coloration!
    print_result(url, PyFunceble(url))

Complete dataset while getting the avaibility of domains, IPs or URL

While using our API, you can request to see/get everything with the help of the complete=True argument.

You’ll then get the following dict as output.

    "_status": None, # If some extra rules are applied, this index will keep the status before the extra rules was applied.
    "_status_source": None, # If some extra rules are applied, this index will keep the source before the extra rules was applied.
    "domain_syntax_validation": None, # The domain syntax validation status.
    "expiration_date": None, # The expiration date of the tested subject (if found).
    "http_status_code": None, # The status code of the tested subejct.
    "ip4_syntax_validation": None, # The IPv4 syntax validation status.
    "dns_lookup": [], # The DNS Lookup output.
    "status_source": None, # The (final) source which gave us the status.
    "status": None, # The (final) status returned by PyFunceble.
    "tested": None, # The tested subject.
    "url_syntax_validation": None, # The url syntax validation status.
    "whois_record": None, # The whois record (if found).
    "whois_server": None, # The whois server we use to get the whois record (if found).

Set custom configuration index while getting the avaibility of domains, IPs or URL

While using PyFunceble, you might want to set or overwritte a default behaviour.

You can do that in 2 ways. Globally or locally.


To set globally simply initiate the configuration loader and parse your custom configuration along with the initialization.

As example, you can do it like follow:

# We import the configuration loader.
from PyFunceble import load_config

# We set our list of indexes to overwritte.
OUR_PYFUNCEBLE_CONFIG = {"share_logs":False, "no_files": True}

# We load our configuration and parse our custom indexes.
load_config(generate_directory_structure=False, custom=OUR_PYFUNCEBLE_CONFIG)

## We can then play with PyFunceble and/or other business logic ...


To set globally simply parse your configuration along with the test method.

As example, you can do it like follow:

# We import the test method.
from PyFunceble import test as AvailabilityTest

# We set our list of indexes to overwritte.
OUR_PYFUNCEBLE_CONFIG = {"share_logs":False, "no_files": True}

# We get the status and parse our configuration.
status = AvailabilityTest("", config=OUR_PYFUNCEBLE_CONFIG)

## We can then manipulate the status and/or other business logic ...

Check the syntax of domains


This example can be found in our examples repository.

This is an example which respond to the following problematic(s):

    * How can I check the syntax of a domain with PyFunceble ?

# We want some coloration so we import the tool do to that :)
from PyFunceble import initiate_colorama, Fore, Style
# We import the tool to print the colored CLI logo.
from PyFunceble.cli_core import CLICore
# We import the configuration loader.
from PyFunceble import load_config
# We import the test method of the PyFunceble API.
from PyFunceble import is_domain as PyFunceble

# We initiate the list of domains we are going to test.

# We initiate colorama.

# We load our configuration.
# Note: We need this to print the logo but if you
# doesn't need the logo, you can ignore this.

# We print the PyFunceble logo.

def print_syntax_result(subject, status):
    Given the subject and its validation, we print it to STDOUT.

    :param str subject: The subject we are going to print.
    :param bool status: The validation state.

    if status is True:
        print(f"{Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT}{subject} is VALID")
        print(f"{Fore.CYAN + Style.BRIGHT}{subject} is INVALID")

for domain in DOMAINS:
    # We loop through the list of domain.

    # And we print the domain and status with the right coloration!
    print_syntax_result(domain, PyFunceble(domain))

Check the syntax of IPv4s


This example can be found in our examples repository.

This is an example which respond to the following problematic(s):

    * How can I check the syntax of an IPv4 with PyFunceble ?

# We want some coloration so we import the tool do to that :)
from PyFunceble import initiate_colorama, Fore, Style
# We import the tool to print the colored CLI logo.
from PyFunceble.cli_core import CLICore
# We import the configuration loader.
from PyFunceble import load_config
# We import the test method of the PyFunceble API.
from PyFunceble import is_ipv4 as PyFunceble

# We initiate the list of IPs we are going to test.
IPS = ["", ""]

# We initiate colorama.

# We load our configuration.
# Note: We need this to print the logo but if you
# doesn't need the logo, you can ignore this.

# We print the PyFunceble logo.

def print_syntax_result(subject, status):
    Given the subject and its validation, we print it to STDOUT.

    :param str subject: The subject we are going to print.
    :param bool status: The validation state.

    if status is True:
        print(f"{Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT}{subject} is VALID")
        print(f"{Fore.CYAN + Style.BRIGHT}{subject} is INVALID")

for ip in IPS:
    # We loop through the list of IP.

    # And we print the IP and status with the right coloration!
    print_syntax_result(ip, PyFunceble(ip))

Check the syntax of URLs


This example can be found in our examples repository.

This is an example which respond to the following problematic(s):

    * How can I check the syntax of an URL with PyFunceble ?

# We want some coloration so we import the tool do to that :)
from PyFunceble import initiate_colorama, Fore, Style
# We import the tool to print the colored CLI logo.
from PyFunceble.cli_core import CLICore
# We import the configuration loader.
from PyFunceble import load_config
# We import the test method of the PyFunceble API.
from PyFunceble import is_url as PyFunceble

# We initiate the list of URLs we are going to test.
URLS = [

# We initiate colorama.

# We load our configuration.
# Note: We need this to print the logo but if you
# doesn't need the logo, you can ignore this.

# We print the PyFunceble logo.

def print_syntax_result(subject, status):
    Given the subject and its validation, we print it to STDOUT.

    :param str subject: The subject we are going to print.
    :param bool status: The validation state.

    if status is True:
        print(f"{Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT}{subject} is VALID")
        print(f"{Fore.CYAN + Style.BRIGHT}{subject} is INVALID")

for url in URLS:
    # We loop through the list of URL.

    # And we print the URL and status with the right coloration!
    print_syntax_result(url, PyFunceble(url))