Stable version

Using pip

From PyPi

$ pip3 install --user --upgrade PyFunceble


We recommend the --user flag which installs the required dependencies at the user level. More information about it can be found on pip documentation.


We do not recommend the --user flag when using PyFunceble into containers or CI engines.

From GitHub

$ pip3 install --user --upgrade git+


We recommend the --user flag which installs the required dependencies at the user level. More information about it can be found on pip documentation.


We do not recommend the --user flag when using PyFunceble into containers or CI engines.

Using the AUR (for Arch Linux users)

With makepkg

$ curl -o PKGBUILD
$ makepkg
$ sudo pacman -U python-pyfunceble*.tar.xz

With your favorite AUR helper


We do not recommend any AUR helper but keep in mind that some AUR helpers are “better” than other. For more information about your current (or any other) AUR helper please report to the ArchWiki page.

$ yourFavoriteAurHelper -Syu python-pyfunceble

Using docker (hub)

The image description can be found at

$ docker pull pyfunceble/pyfunceble

Pure Python method

Execute the following and enjoy PyFunceble!

$ cd PyFunceble
$ git checkout master && git fetch origin && git merge origin/master
$ python3 test
$ python3 install # Avoid this if you want to uninstall one day.
$ pip3 install --user --upgrade -e . # Prefer this method.


We recommend the --user flag which installs the required dependencies at the user level. More information about it can be found on pip documentation.


We do not recommend the --user flag when using PyFunceble into containers or CI engines.