Special ThanksΒΆ
Thanks to those awesome organization(s), tool(s) and or people(s) for
- Their awesome documentation
- Their awesome repository
- Their awesome tool/software/source code
- Their breaking reports
- Their contributions
- Their current work/purpose
- Their promotion of Py-Funceble
- Their support
- Their testings reports
which helped and/or still help me build, test and or make PyFunceble a better tool.
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- Adam Warner - @PromoFaux
- Adblock Plus - @adblockplus
- asciinema - @asciinema
- Bob Halley - @rthalley (DNSPython)
- Chris Griffith - @cdgriffith (Box)
- Daniel - @dnmTX
- Jonathan Hartley - @tartley (colorama)
- IANA - ICANN (Root Zone Database)
- Iterative (shtab)
- Kenneth Reitz - @kennethreitz (requests)
- Mitchell Krog - @mitchellkrogza
- Mohammad Fares - @faressoft (Terminalizer)
- Pi-Hole - @pi-hole
- Public Suffix List - @publicsuffix
- Reza Rizqullah - @ybreza
- Saurabh Kumar - @theskumar (python-dotenv)
- ScriptTiger - @ScriptTiger
- SMed79 - @SMed79
- spirillen - @spirillen
- The YAML Project - @yaml (pyyaml)
- yWorks - (yEd Graph Editor)