Source code for PyFunceble.logger

The tool to check the availability or syntax of domain, IP or URL.


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Provides our logger.

    Nissar Chababy, @funilrys, contactTATAfunilrysTODTODcom

Special thanks:


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    Copyright 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023 Nissar Chababy

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.

import functools
import logging
import logging.handlers
import os
import traceback
from typing import Generator, Optional, Tuple, Union

from import DirectoryHelper
from PyFunceble.helpers.environment_variable import EnvironmentVariableHelper

[docs]class Logger: """ Provides our logging logic. .. warning:: There is several way to activate the logging. 1. Through the :code:`PYFUNCEBLE_DEBUG_ON_SCREEN` environment variable. 2. Through the :code:`DEBUG_PYFUNCEBLE_ON_SCREEN` environment variable. 3. Through the :code:`PYFUNCEBLE_DEBUG` environment variable. 4. Through the :code:`DEBUG_PYFUNCEBLE` environment variable. 5. Through the :py:meth:`PyFunceble.logger.Logger.set_activated` method. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods # pylint: disable=line-too-long OWN_FORMAT: str = ( "[%(asctime)s | %(levelname)s | %(origin_path)s:" "%(origin_line)s@%(origin_func)s | PPID%(process)d:%(processName)s]:\n" "%(message)s\n" ) """ Our very own format. """ ROOT_FORMAT: str = ( "[%(asctime)s::%(levelname)s](PID%(process)s:%(processName)s): %(message)s" ) """ The format of the root loggy. """ STD_MIN_LEVEL: int = logging.INFO _activated: bool = False _min_level: int = logging.INFO _output_directory: Optional[str] = None own_formatter: logging.Formatter = logging.Formatter(OWN_FORMAT) root_formatter: logging.Formatter = logging.Formatter(ROOT_FORMAT) info_logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None debug_logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None warning_logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None error_logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None fatal_logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None critical_logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None sqlalchemy_logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None env_var_helper: EnvironmentVariableHelper = EnvironmentVariableHelper() def __init__( self, *, activated: Optional[bool] = None, min_level: Optional[int] = None, output_dir: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: if output_dir: self.output_directory = output_dir else: self.output_directory = os.path.join(,, ) if activated is not None: self.activated = activated if min_level is not None: self.min_level = min_level else: self.guess_and_set_min_level() @property def on_screen(self) -> bool: """ Provides the authorization to log on screen. """ return ( self.env_var_helper.set_name("PYFUNCEBLE_DEBUG_ON_SCREEN").exists() or self.env_var_helper.set_name("DEBUG_PYFUNCEBLE_ON_SCREEN").exists() ) @property def on_file(self) -> bool: """ Provides the authorization to log on file. """ return ( self.env_var_helper.set_name("PYFUNCEBLE_DEBUG").exists() or self.env_var_helper.set_name("DEBUG_PYFUNCEBLE").exists() ) @property def activated(self) -> bool: """ Provides the current state of the :code:`_activated` attribute. """ return self._activated @activated.setter def activated(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Sets the value of the activated attribute. :param value: The value to set. :raise TypeError: When the given value is not a :py:class:`bool`. """ if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError(f"<value> should be {bool}, {type(value)} given.") self._activated = value
[docs] def set_activated(self, value: bool) -> "Logger": """ Sets the value of the activated attribute. :param value: The value to set. """ self.activated = value return self
@property def min_level(self) -> int: """ Provides the current state of the :code:`_min_level` attribute. """ return self._min_level @min_level.setter def min_level(self, value: Union[int, str]) -> None: """ Sets the minimum level to log. :param value: The value to set. :raise TypeError: When the given value is not a :py:class:`int` or :py:class:`str`. :raise ValueError: When the given value is not supported """ if not isinstance(value, (int, str)): raise TypeError(f"<value> should be {int} or {str}, {type(value)} given.") # pylint: disable=protected-access if isinstance(value, int) and value not in logging._levelToName: raise ValueError(f"<value> is not in {list(logging._nameToLevel.keys())}") if isinstance(value, str): if value.upper() not in logging._nameToLevel: raise ValueError( f"<value> is not in {list(logging._nameToLevel.keys())}" ) value = logging._nameToLevel[value.upper()] self._min_level = value return self
[docs] def set_min_level(self, value: Union[int, str]) -> "Logger": """ Sets the minimum level to log. :param value: The value to set. """ self.min_level = value return self
@property def output_directory(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Provides the current state of the :code:`_output_directory` attribute. """ if self.authorized: DirectoryHelper(self._output_directory).create() return self._output_directory @output_directory.setter def output_directory(self, value: str) -> None: """ Sets the directory to write. Side Effect: Creation of the given value if it does not exists. :param value: The value to set. :raise TypeError: When the given value is not a :py:class:`str`. """ if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError(f"<value> should be {int}, {type(value)} given.") self._output_directory = value
[docs] def set_output_directory(self, value: str) -> "Logger": """ Sets the directory to write. :param value: The value to set. """ self.output_directory = value return self
@property def authorized(self) -> bool: """ Provides the authorization to actually log. """ return ( self.activated or self.on_screen or self.on_file or ( bool( and bool( ) )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_origin() -> dict: """ Provides the informatioon about where the logger was triggered. :return: A tuple, which is composed of the following. (trigger file path, trigger line, trigger function/method name) """ stackback = [ y for x in [x.split("\n") for x in traceback.format_stack()] for y in x if y ] interest = stackback[-6].split(",") complete_file = interest[0].strip()[6:-1].split(os.sep) try: if complete_file[-2] != file = "/".join(complete_file) else: file = "/".join(complete_file[-2:]) except IndexError: file = "/".join(complete_file) line = interest[1].strip().split()[-1].strip() func_name = interest[2].strip()[3:] if in file: file = os.path.relpath(file) return {"origin_path": file, "origin_line": line, "origin_func": func_name}
[docs] def single_logger_factory(level_name: str): # pylint: disable=no-self-argument """ Provides the general factory. :param level_name: The level to log. """ def single_logger(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=no-member, protected-access if ( self.authorized and logging._nameToLevel[level_name.upper()] >= self.min_level ): try: logger = getattr( getattr(self, f"{level_name.lower()}_logger"), level_name.lower(), ) if not logger: self.init_loggers() except AttributeError: self.init_loggers() logger = getattr( getattr(self, f"{level_name.lower()}_logger"), level_name.lower(), ) return logger(*args, **kwargs, extra=self.get_origin()) return func return wrapper return single_logger
[docs] def guess_and_set_min_level(self) -> "Logger": """ Tries to guess the min level from the configuration. """ env_vars = ["PYFUNCEBLE_DEBUG_LVL", "PYFUNCEBLE_LOGGING_LVL"] env_var_helper = EnvironmentVariableHelper() env_var_found = False for env_var in env_vars: if env_var_helper.set_name(env_var).exists(): self.min_level = env_var_helper.get_value() env_var_found = True break if not env_var_found: if # pylint: disable=protected-access self.min_level = logging._nameToLevel[ ] else: self.min_level = self.STD_MIN_LEVEL
[docs] def guess_all_settings(self) -> "Logger": """ Try to guess all settings. """ to_ignore = ["guess_all_settings"] for method in dir(self): if method in to_ignore or not method.startswith("guess_"): continue getattr(self, method)() return self
[docs] def destroy_loggers(self) -> "Logger": """ Destroyes all existing loggers. """ for logger, level in self.get_next_logger(): logger.handlers.clear() delattr(self, f"{level}_logger") setattr(self, f"{level}_logger", None)
[docs] def get_next_logger(self) -> Generator[None, Tuple[logging.Logger, str], None]: """ Provides the next logger. """ for logger_var_name in Logger.__dict__: if ( not logger_var_name.endswith("_logger") or logger_var_name == "get_next_logger" or "sqlalchemy" in logger_var_name ): continue level = logger_var_name.split("_", 1)[0] if not getattr(self, logger_var_name): setattr(self, logger_var_name, logging.getLogger(f"PyFunceble.{level}")) yield getattr(self, logger_var_name), level
[docs] def init_loggers(self) -> "Logger": """ Init all our logger. """ if self.authorized: self.destroy_loggers() if not self.sqlalchemy_logger: self.sqlalchemy_logger = logging.getLogger("sqlalchemy") self.sqlalchemy_logger.setLevel(self.min_level) self.sqlalchemy_logger.propagate = False for logger, level in self.get_next_logger(): logger.propagate = False # pylint: disable=protected-access logger.setLevel(logging._nameToLevel[level.upper()]) logger.addHandler(self.get_handler(level)) return self
[docs] def get_handler( self, level_name: str ) -> Optional[Union[logging.StreamHandler, logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler]]: """ Given a level name, this method provides the right handler for it! """ level_name = level_name.upper() specials = ["SQLALCHEMY"] if hasattr(logging, level_name) or level_name in specials: if self.on_screen: handler = logging.StreamHandler() else: handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler( os.path.join(self.output_directory, f"{level_name.lower()}.log"), maxBytes=100_000_000, backupCount=5, ) if level_name in specials: handler.setLevel(self.min_level) handler.setFormatter(self.root_formatter) else: handler.setLevel(getattr(logging, level_name)) handler.setFormatter(self.own_formatter) return handler return None
[docs] @single_logger_factory("info") def info(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Logs to the logger. """
[docs] @single_logger_factory("debug") def debug(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Logs to the PyFunceble.debug logger. """
[docs] @single_logger_factory("warning") def warning(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Logs to the PyFunceble.warning logger. """
[docs] @single_logger_factory("error") def error(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Logs to the PyFunceble.error logger. """
[docs] @single_logger_factory("fatal") def fatal(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Logs to the PyFunceble.fatal logger. """
[docs] @single_logger_factory("critical") def critical(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Logs to the PyFunceble.critical logger. """
[docs] @single_logger_factory("exception") def exception(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Logs to the PyFunceble.exception logger. """