Source code for PyFunceble.checker.availability.extras.rules

The tool to check the availability or syntax of domain, IP or URL.


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Provides the extra rules handler based on the status code.

    Nissar Chababy, @funilrys, contactTATAfunilrysTODTODcom

Special thanks:


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    Copyright 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023 Nissar Chababy

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.

from typing import Optional

from box import Box

import PyFunceble.facility
import PyFunceble.factory
from PyFunceble.checker.availability.extras.base import ExtraRuleHandlerBase
from PyFunceble.checker.availability.status import AvailabilityCheckerStatus
from PyFunceble.helpers.regex import RegexHelper

[docs]class ExtraRulesHandler(ExtraRuleHandlerBase): """ Provides our very own extra rules handler. :param status: The previously gathered status. :type status: :class:`~PyFunceble.checker.availability.status.AvailabilityCheckerStatus` """ regex_active2inactive: dict = {} http_codes_dataset: Optional[Box] = None def __init__(self, status: Optional[AvailabilityCheckerStatus] = None) -> None: self.regex_active2inactive = { r"\.000webhostapp\.com": [ (self.switch_to_down_if_status_code, 410), ], r"\.24\.eu$": [(self.switch_to_down_if_status_code, 503)], r"\.altervista\.org$": [(self.switch_to_down_if_status_code, 403)], r"\.angelfire\.com$": [(self.switch_to_down_if_status_code, 404)], r"\.blogspot\.": [self.handle_blogspot], r"\.canalblog\.com$": [(self.switch_to_down_if_status_code, 404)], r"\.dr\.ag$": [(self.switch_to_down_if_status_code, 503)], r"\.fc2\.com$": [self.handle_fc2_dot_com], r"\.github\.io$": [(self.switch_to_down_if_status_code, 404)], r"\.godaddysites\.com$": [(self.switch_to_down_if_status_code, 404)], r"\$": [(self.switch_to_down_if_status_code, 404)], r"\.imgur\.com$": [self.handle_imgur_dot_com], r"\.liveadvert\.com$": [(self.switch_to_down_if_status_code, 404)], r"\.skyrock\.com$": [(self.switch_to_down_if_status_code, 404)], r"\.tumblr\.com$": [(self.switch_to_down_if_status_code, 404)], r"\.wix\.com$": [(self.switch_to_down_if_status_code, 404)], r"\.wordpress\.com$": [ (self.switch_to_down_if_status_code, 410), self.handle_wordpress_dot_com, ], r"\.weebly\.com$": [(self.switch_to_down_if_status_code, {"404", "406"})], r"\.zzz\.com\.ua$": [(self.switch_to_down_if_status_code, {"402"})], } if PyFunceble.facility.ConfigLoader.is_already_loaded(): self.http_codes_dataset = else: self.http_codes_dataset = super().__init__(status) def __regex_registry_handler(self, regex_registry: dict) -> "ExtraRulesHandler": """ Handles the standard regex lookup case. """ regex_helper = RegexHelper() for ( regex, data, ) in regex_registry.items(): broken = False for element in data: if not regex_helper.set_regex(regex).match( self.status.netloc, return_match=False ): continue if isinstance(element, tuple): element[0](*element[1:]) else: element() if self.status.status_after_extra_rules: broken = True break if broken: break return self
[docs] def handle_blogspot(self) -> "ExtraRulesHandler": """ Handles the :code:`blogspot.*` case. .. warning:: This method assume that we know that we are handling a blogspot domain. """ regex_blogger = [r"create-blog.g?", r"87065", r"doesn’t exist"] self.do_on_body_match( self.req_url, regex_blogger, method=self.switch_to_down, allow_redirects=True, ) return self
[docs] def handle_wordpress_dot_com(self) -> "ExtraRulesHandler": """ Handles the :code:`` case. .. warning:: This method assume that we know that we are handling a blogspot domain. """ regex_wordpress = [r"doesn’t exist", r"no\slonger\savailable"] self.do_on_body_match( self.req_url, regex_wordpress, method=self.switch_to_down, allow_redirects=True, ) return self
[docs] def handle_fc2_dot_com(self) -> "ExtraRulesHandler": """ Handles the :code:`` case. .. warning:: This method assume that we know that we are handling a fc2 domain. """ self.do_on_header_match( self.req_url, {"location": [""]}, method=self.switch_to_down, match_mode="std", strict=True, allow_redirects=False, ) return self
[docs] def handle_imgur_dot_com(self) -> "ExtraRulesHandler": """ Handles the :code:`` case. .. warning:. This method assume that we know that we are handling a sub-domain. """ req = PyFunceble.factory.Requester.get( self.req_url_https, allow_redirects=False ) username = self.status.netloc.replace("", "") if "Location" in req.headers: if req.headers["Location"].endswith(("/removed.png", f"/user/{username}")): self.switch_to_down() return self
def __handle_active2inactive(self) -> "ExtraRulesHandler": """ Handles the status deescalation. """ if self.status.http_status_code: self.__regex_registry_handler(self.regex_active2inactive) return self
[docs] @ExtraRuleHandlerBase.ensure_status_is_given @ExtraRuleHandlerBase.setup_status_before @ExtraRuleHandlerBase.setup_status_after def start(self) -> "ExtraRulesHandler": """ Starts the process. """ "Started to check %r against our own set of extra rules.", self.status.idna_subject, ) if self.status.status_before_extra_rules == self.__handle_active2inactive() if ( not self.status.status_after_extra_rules and self.status.status_before_extra_rules in ): if self.status.ipv4_range_syntax or self.status.ipv6_range_syntax: self.switch_to_up() "Finished to check %r against our own set of extra rules.", self.status.idna_subject, ) return self