Source code for PyFunceble.query.requests.requester

The tool to check the availability or syntax of domain, IP or URL.


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Provides our own requests handler

    Nissar Chababy, @funilrys, contactTATAfunilrysTODTODcom

Special thanks:


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    Copyright 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022 Nissar Chababy

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.

import functools
import logging
import warnings
from typing import Optional, Union

import requests
import requests.exceptions
import urllib3.exceptions

import PyFunceble.facility
from PyFunceble.dataset.user_agent import UserAgentDataset
from PyFunceble.query.dns.query_tool import DNSQueryTool
from PyFunceble.query.requests.adapter.http import RequestHTTPAdapter
from PyFunceble.query.requests.adapter.https import RequestHTTPSAdapter

[docs]class Requester: """ Provides our very own requests handler. :param int max_retries: Optional, The maximum number of retries to perform. :param bool verify_certificate: Optional, Should we verify and validate the SSL/TLS certificate ? :param float timeout: Optional, The timeout to apply to the query. :param int max_redirects: Optional, The maximum number of redirects to allow. :param dns_query_tool: Optional, The DNS Query tool to use. :param proxy_pattern: Optional, The proxy pattern to apply to each query. Expected format: :: { "global": { # Everything under global will be used as default if no # rule matched. "http": "str" ## HTTP_PROXY "https": "str" ## HTTPS_PROXY }, "rules":[ # A set/list of rules to work with. { "http": "str" ## HTTP_PROXY when TLD is matched. "https": "str" ## HTTPS_PROXY when TLD is matched. "tld": [ "str", "str", str ] }, { "http": "str" ## HTTP_PROXY when TLD is matched. "https": "str" ## HTTPS_PROXY when TLD is matched. "tld": [ "str", "str" ] }, ] } """ STD_VERIFY_CERTIFICATE: bool = False STD_TIMEOUT: float = 3.0 STD_MAX_RETRIES: int = 3 urllib3_exceptions = urllib3.exceptions exceptions = requests.exceptions _timeout: float = 5.0 _max_retries: int = 3 _verify_certificate: bool = True _max_redirects: int = 60 _proxy_pattern: dict = {} session: Optional[requests.Session] = None dns_query_tool: Optional[DNSQueryTool] = None def __init__( self, *, max_retries: Optional[int] = None, verify_certificate: Optional[bool] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None, max_redirects: Optional[int] = None, dns_query_tool: Optional[DNSQueryTool] = None, proxy_pattern: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> None: if max_retries is not None: self.max_retries = max_retries else: self.guess_and_set_max_retries() if verify_certificate is not None: self.verify_certificate = verify_certificate else: self.guess_and_set_verify_certificate() if timeout is not None: self.timeout = timeout else: self.guess_and_set_timeout() if max_redirects is not None: self.max_redirects = max_redirects if dns_query_tool is not None: self.dns_query_tool = dns_query_tool else: self.dns_query_tool = DNSQueryTool() if proxy_pattern is not None: self.proxy_pattern = proxy_pattern else: self.guess_and_set_proxy_pattern() self.session = self.get_session() warnings.simplefilter("ignore", urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) logging.getLogger("requests.packages.urllib3").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) logging.getLogger("urllib3").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL)
[docs] def recreate_session(func): # pylint: disable=no-self-argument """ Recreate a new session after executing the decorated method. """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): result = func(self, *args, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=not-callable if hasattr(self, "session") and isinstance(self.session, requests.Session): self.session = self.get_session() return result return wrapper
[docs] def request_factory(verb: str): # pylint: disable=no-self-argument """ Provides a universal request factory. :param verb: The HTTP Verb to apply. """ def request_method(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=no-member PyFunceble.facility.Logger.debug( "Started %r request to %r with %r", verb.upper(), args[0], kwargs, ) req = getattr(self.session, verb.lower())(*args, **kwargs) PyFunceble.facility.Logger.debug( "Finished %r request to %r with %r", verb.upper(), args[0], kwargs, ) return req return wrapper return request_method
@property def max_retries(self) -> int: """ Provides the current state of the :code:`_max_retries` attribute. """ return self._max_retries @max_retries.setter @recreate_session def max_retries(self, value: int) -> None: """ Sets the max retries value to apply to all subsequent requests. :param value: The value to set. :raise TypeError: When the given :code:`value` is not a :py:class:`int`. :raise ValueError: When the given :code:`value` is less than :code:`1`. """ if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError(f"<value> should be {int}, {type(value)} given.") if value < 0: raise ValueError(f"<value> ({value!r}) should be positive.") self._max_retries = value
[docs] def set_max_retries(self, value: int) -> "Requester": """ Sets the max retries value to apply to all subsequent requests. :param value: The value to set. """ self.max_retries = value return self
[docs] def guess_and_set_max_retries(self) -> "Requester": """ Try to guess the value from the configuration and set it. """ if PyFunceble.facility.ConfigLoader.is_already_loaded() and bool( ): self.set_max_retries( bool( ) else: self.set_max_retries(self.STD_MAX_RETRIES) return self
@property def max_redirects(self) -> int: """ Provides the current state of the :code:`_max_redirects` attribute. """ return self._max_redirects @max_redirects.setter @recreate_session def max_redirects(self, value: int) -> None: """ Sets the max redirects value to apply to all subsequent requests. :param value: The value to set. :raise TypeError: When the given :code:`value` is not a :py:class:`int`. :raise ValueError: When the given :code:`value` is less than :code:`1`. """ if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError(f"<value> should be {int}, {type(value)} given.") if value < 1: raise ValueError(f"<value> ({value!r}) should not be less than 1.") self._max_redirects = value
[docs] def set_max_redirects(self, value: int) -> "Requester": """ Sets the max redirects value to apply to all subsequent requests. :param value: The value to set. """ self.max_redirects = value return self
@property def verify_certificate(self) -> bool: """ Provides the current state of the :code:`_verify_certificate` attribute. """ return self._verify_certificate @verify_certificate.setter @recreate_session def verify_certificate(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Enable or disables the certificate validation. :param value: The value to set. :raise TypeError: When the given :code:`value` is not a :py:class`bool`. """ if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError(f"<value> shoule be {bool}, {type(value)} given.") self._verify_certificate = value
[docs] def set_verify_certificate(self, value: bool) -> "Requester": """ Enable or disables the certificate validation. :param value: The value to set. """ self.verify_certificate = value return self
[docs] def guess_and_set_verify_certificate(self) -> "Requester": """ Try to guess the value from the configuration and set it. """ if PyFunceble.facility.ConfigLoader.is_already_loaded() and bool( ): self.set_verify_certificate( bool( ) else: self.set_verify_certificate(self.STD_VERIFY_CERTIFICATE) return self
@property def timeout(self) -> float: """ Provides the current state of the :code:`_timeout` attribute. """ return self._timeout @timeout.setter @recreate_session def timeout(self, value: Union[int, float]) -> None: """ Enable or disables the certificate validation. :param value: The value to set. :raise TypeError: When the given :code:`value` is not a :py:class`int` nor :py:class:`float`. :raise ValueError: Whent the given :code:`value` is less than `1`. """ if not isinstance(value, (int, float)): raise TypeError(f"<value> shoule be {int} or {float}, {type(value)} given.") if value < 0: raise ValueError("<value> should not be less than 0.") self._timeout = float(value)
[docs] def set_timeout(self, value: Union[int, float]) -> "Requester": """ Enable or disables the certificate validation. :param value: The value to set. """ self.timeout = value return self
[docs] def guess_and_set_timeout(self) -> "Requester": """ Try to guess the value from the configuration and set it. """ if PyFunceble.facility.ConfigLoader.is_already_loaded() and bool( ): self.set_timeout( else: self.set_timeout(self.STD_TIMEOUT) return self
@property def proxy_pattern(self) -> Optional[dict]: """ Provides the current state of the :code:`_proxy_pattern` attribute. """ return self._proxy_pattern @proxy_pattern.setter @recreate_session def proxy_pattern(self, value: dict) -> None: """ Overwrite the proxy pattern to use. :param value: The value to set. :raise TypeError: When the given :code:`value` is not a :py:class`dict`. """ if not isinstance(value, dict): raise TypeError(f"<value> shoule be {dict}, {type(value)} given.") self._proxy_pattern = value
[docs] def set_proxy_pattern(self, value: dict) -> "Requester": """ Overwrite the proxy pattern. :param value: The value to set. """ self.proxy_pattern = value return self
[docs] def guess_and_set_proxy_pattern(self) -> "Requester": """ Try to guess the value from the configuration and set it. """ if PyFunceble.facility.ConfigLoader.is_already_loaded() and bool( ): self.set_proxy_pattern( else: self.set_proxy_pattern({}) return self
[docs] def guess_all_settings(self) -> "Requester": """ Try to guess all settings. """ to_ignore = ["guess_all_settings"] for method in dir(self): if method in to_ignore or not method.startswith("guess_"): continue getattr(self, method)() return self
[docs] def get_verify_certificate(self) -> bool: """ Provides the current value of the certificate validation. """ return self.verify_certificate
[docs] def get_timeout(self) -> float: """ Provides the currently set timetout. """ return self.timeout
[docs] def get_session(self) -> requests.Session: """ Provides a new session. """ session = requests.Session() session.verify = self.verify_certificate session.max_redirects = self.max_redirects session.mount( "https://", RequestHTTPSAdapter( max_retries=self.max_retries, timeout=self.timeout, dns_query_tool=self.dns_query_tool, proxy_pattern=self.proxy_pattern, ), ) session.mount( "http://", RequestHTTPAdapter( max_retries=self.max_retries, timeout=self.timeout, dns_query_tool=self.dns_query_tool, proxy_pattern=self.proxy_pattern, ), ) custom_headers = {"User-Agent": UserAgentDataset().get_latest()} session.headers.update(custom_headers) return session
[docs] @request_factory("GET") def get(self, *args, **kwargs) -> requests.Response: """ Sends a GET request and get its response. """
[docs] @request_factory("OPTIONS") def options(self, *args, **kwargs) -> requests.Response: """ Sends am OPTIONS request and get its response. """
[docs] @request_factory("HEAD") def head(self, *args, **kwargs) -> requests.Response: """ Sends a HEAD request and get its response. """
[docs] @request_factory("POST") def post(self, *args, **kwargs) -> requests.Response: """ Sends a POST request and get its response. """
[docs] @request_factory("PUT") def put(self, *args, **kwargs) -> requests.Response: """ Sends a PUT request and get its response. """
[docs] @request_factory("PATCH") def patch(self, *args, **kwargs) -> requests.Response: """ Sends a PATCH request and get its response. """
[docs] @request_factory("DELETE") def delete(self, *args, **kwargs) -> requests.Response: """ Sends a DELETE request and get its response. """