
EOL of any version 3.x

Development of PyFunceble version 3.x have reached the End Of Life. This means any errors recurring in any version below PyFunceble version 4.0.0 will no longer be fixed, but we will still be here to help you with a number of workarounds that might be required to have these releases working for you, until the final stable release of PyFunceble version 4.0.0.

If you are new to PyFunceble, the team will recommend you to start by using and installing the pre-release of PyFunceble 4.0.0

You can read more about how this is done in the docs at:

You should know that if you are going to install version 4.0.0 through pip, you should use one of the following lines. Note the –pre flag

pip3 install --user --pre pyfunceble-dev
python3.9 -m pip install --user --pre pyfunceble-dev

In case you would like to install PyFunceble system-wide, you have to omit the –user flag from the lines above, and you should probably be using your sudo account to do this, In that case don’t forget the -H flag…

Install PyFunceble-dev 4.x systemwide with sudo.

sudo -H pip3 install --user --pre pyfunceble-dev
sudo -H python3.9 -m pip install --user --pre pyfunceble-dev

We will also like to point you attention to the requirement section of:, where there is a pending PR (#196), which will correct the required python version to python version 3.7


Here is the list of requirements:

  • Python 3.6.11+
  • alembic
  • colorama
  • cryptography
  • dnspython
  • domain2idna
  • inflection
  • PyMySQL
  • python-box
  • python-dotenv
  • PyYAML
  • requests
  • setuptools
  • sqlalchemy

Python 3.6.11+

The specification 3.6.11+ is because we test PyFunceble (daily) in all (3.x) versions from 3.6.11. Otherwise, more semantically, PyFunceble is written for all Python 3.6+ version.


As we want to automate database (MySQL/MariaDB) schema migration, we chose alembic for the job.


As we use some coloration, colorama is required.


As we use some cryptography algorithm for message hashing as example, cryptography is required.


As we use it to do the DNS lookups, dnspython is required.


As we propose the conversion of domains to IDNA, domain2idna is required.


domain2idna is maintained and developed by Nissar Chababy (@funilrys), the developer of PyFunceble. Its source code can be found on GitHub.


We don’t necessarily want to reinvent the wheel while generating the (database) tables name from our schama descriptions. This tool is a relief!


As we propose the MariaDB or MySQL database types, PyMySQL is required.


As we use python-box for a better code access to the configuration, it is required.


As we are able to load dotenv files, python-dotenv is required.


As our configuration file is written in .yaml, PyYAML is required.


As we use requests multiple times to communicate with webservices, requests is required.


As we use install_requires=xx inside our, setuptools is required.


As we don’t want to maintain several RAW SQL files, we use sqlalchemy for the database communication and manipulation.

Stable version

Using pip

From PyPi

$ pip3 install --user PyFunceble


We recommend the --user flag which installs the required dependencies at the user level. More information about it can be found on pip documentation.


We do not recommend the --user flag when using PyFunceble into containers like - for example - Travis CI.

From GitHub

$ pip3 install --user git+


We recommend the --user flag which installs the required dependencies at the user level. More information about it can be found on pip documentation.


We do not recommend the --user flag when using PyFunceble into containers like - for example - Travis CI.

Using the AUR (for Arch Linux users)

The package can be found at

With makepkg

$ wget
$ makepkg
$ sudo pacman -U pyfunceble*.tar.xz

With your favorite AUR helper


We do not recommend any AUR helper but keep in mind that some AUR helpers are “better” than other. For more information about your current (or any other) AUR helper please report to the ArchWiki page.

$ yourFavoriteAurHelper -S pyfunceble

Using docker (hub)

The image description can be found at

$ docker pull pyfunceble/pyfunceble

Using conda

Our repository is located at

conda install -c conda-forge -c pyfunceble pyfunceble=3

Pure Python method

Execute the following and enjoy PyFunceble!

$ git clone
$ cd PyFunceble
$ python3 test
$ python3 install # Avoid this if you want to uninstall one day.
$ pip3 install --user -e .


We recommend the --user flag which installs the required dependencies at the user level. More information about it can be found on pip documentation.


We do not recommend the --user flag when using PyFunceble into containers like - for example - Travis CI.

Development version

The development version of PyFunceble represents the dev branch. It’s intended for the development of next features but is always at a usable state.

Indeed, We should not push to the dev branch until we are sure that the new commit does not break or introduce critical issue under PyFunceble.

For development

Execute the following and let’s hack PyFunceble!


We highly recommend you to develop PyFunceble under a virtualenv.

$ git clone
$ cd PyFunceble
$ git checkout dev
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip3 install -e .


After installing with:

$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip3 install -e .
  • you only need to update the repository.
  • you don’t have to rerun the pip command.

For usage

Using pip

Execute one of the following and enjoy PyFunceble!

From PyPi
$ pip3 install --user PyFunceble-dev


We recommend the --user flag which installs the required dependencies at the user level. More information about it can be found on pip documentation.


We do not recommend the --user flag when using PyFunceble into containers like - for example - Travis CI.

From GitHub
$ pip3 install --user git+


We recommend the --user flag which installs the required dependencies at the user level. More information about it can be found on pip documentation.


We do not recommend the --user flag when using PyFunceble into containers like - for example - Travis CI.

Using the AUR (for Arch Linux users)

The package can be found at

With makepkg
$ wget
$ makepkg
$ sudo pacman -U pyfunceble-dev*.tar.xz
With your favorite AUR helper


We do not recommend any AUR helper but keep in mind that some AUR helpers are “better” than other. For more information about your current (or any other) AUR helper please report to the ArchWiki page.

$ yourFavoriteAurHelper -S pyfunceble-dev

Using docker (hub)

The image description can be found at

$ docker pull pyfunceble/pyfunceble-dev

Using conda

Our repository is located at

conda install -c conda-forge -c pyfunceble pyfunceble-dev=3

Pure Python method

Execute the following and enjoy PyFunceble!

$ git clone
$ cd PyFunceble && git checkout dev
$ python3 test
$ python3 install # Avoid this if you want to uninstall one day.
$ pip3 install --user -e .


We recommend the --user flag which installs the required dependencies at the user level. More information about it can be found on pip documentation.


We do not recommend the --user flag when using PyFunceble into containers like - for example - Travis CI.

First steps

Make sure that you can run

$ PyFunceble --version

and enjoy PyFunceble!!