Source code for PyFunceble.database.inactive

The tool to check the availability or syntax of domain, IP or URL.


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Provides the inactive database interface.

    Nissar Chababy, @funilrys, contactTATAfunilrysTODTODcom

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    Copyright 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Nissar Chababy

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from multiprocessing import get_start_method

from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound

import PyFunceble
from PyFunceble.engine.database.loader import session
from PyFunceble.engine.database.schemas import File, Status

[docs]class InactiveDB: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """ Provides the inactive database logic and interface. :param str filename: The name of the file we are processing. """ is_present_cache = {} database = {} filename = None def __init__(self, filename, parent_process=False): self.one_day = timedelta(days=1) self.database_file = "" self.parent = parent_process self.authorized = self.authorization() PyFunceble.LOGGER.debug(f"Authorization: {self.authorized}") if self.authorized: self.days = timedelta(days=PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.days_between_db_retest) self.days_between_clean = timedelta( days=PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.days_between_inactive_db_clean ) if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type == "json": self.database_file = "{0}{1}".format( PyFunceble.CONFIG_DIRECTORY, PyFunceble.OUTPUTS.default_files.inactive_db, ) self.filename = filename self.to_retest = self.get_to_retest() PyFunceble.LOGGER.debug(f"DB (File): {self.database_file}") self.initiate() def __contains__(self, subject): if self.authorized: if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type == "json": if ( PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.multiprocess and get_start_method() == "spawn" ): # pragma: no cover self.load() if subject not in self.is_present_cache: self.is_present_cache[subject] = False if self[subject]: self.is_present_cache[subject] = True return self.is_present_cache[subject] if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type in ["mariadb", "mysql"]: with session.Session() as db_session: # pylint: disable=no-member result = ( db_session.query(Status) .join(File) .filter(File.path == self.filename) .filter(Status.tested == subject) .filter( Status.status.notin_(PyFunceble.core.CLI.get_up_statuses()) ) .count() > 0 ) if result: f"{subject} is present into the database." ) else: f"{subject} is not present into the database." ) return result return False # pragma: no cover def __getitem__(self, subject): if ( self.authorized and PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type == "json" and self.filename in self.database and subject in self.database[self.filename] ): return self.database[self.filename][subject] return {} def __setitem__(self, subject, data): if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type == "json": actual_state = self[subject] if actual_state: if isinstance(actual_state, dict): # pragma: no cover if isinstance(data, dict): self.database[self.filename][ subject ] = PyFunceble.helpers.Merge(data).into( self.database[self.filename][subject] ) else: # pragma: no cover self.database[self.filename][subject] = data elif isinstance(actual_state, list): # pragma: no cover if isinstance(data, list): PyFunceble.helpers.Merge(data).into( self.database[self.filename][subject], strict=False ) else: # pragma: no cover self.database[self.filename][subject].append(data) self.database[self.filename][subject] = PyFunceble.helpers.List( self.database[self.filename][subject] ).format() else: # pragma: no cover self.database[self.filename][subject] = data else: if self.filename not in self.database: self.database[self.filename] = {subject: data} else: self.database[self.filename][subject] = data def __delitem__(self, subject): if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type == "json" and self[subject]: del self.database[self.filename][subject]
[docs] @classmethod def authorization(cls): """ Provides the execution authorization. """ return PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.inactive_database
[docs] def _merge(self): """ Merges the database with the older one which has already been set into the database. """ if self.authorized and PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type == "json": database_content = PyFunceble.helpers.Dict().from_json_file( self.database_file ) for database_top_key in [ x for x in database_content.keys() if database_content[x] ]: for database_low_key, data in database_content[ database_top_key ].items(): to_set = {} if database_low_key.isdigit(): last_test_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(database_low_key)) for subject, status in data.items(): to_set[subject] = { "included_at_epoch": last_test_date.timestamp(), "included_at_iso": last_test_date.isoformat(), "last_retested_at_epoch": last_test_date.timestamp(), "last_retested_at_iso": last_test_date.isoformat(), "status": status, } else: to_set[database_low_key] = data if database_top_key not in self.database: self.database[database_top_key] = to_set else: self.database[database_top_key].update(to_set)"Merged possible old to the new format")
[docs] def load(self): """ Loads the content of the database file. """ if self.authorized and PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type == "json": if PyFunceble.helpers.File(self.database_file).exists(): self._merge() else: self.database = {self.filename: {}} if self.filename not in self.database: # pragma: no cover self.database[self.filename] = {} "Database content loaded in memory. (DATASET WONT BE LOGGED)" )
[docs] def save(self): """ Saves the current database into the database file. """ if ( self.authorized and self.parent and PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type == "json" ): PyFunceble.helpers.Dict(self.database).to_json_file(self.database_file)"Saved database into {repr(self.database_file)}.")
[docs] def clean(self): """ Cleans everything which is not needed anymore. """ if self.authorized and self.parent:"Started to clean old entry from the database.") for subject in self.get_to_clean(): self.remove(subject)"Finished to clean old entry from the database.")
[docs] def initiate(self): """ Initiates the databsse. """ if self.authorized: self.load() self.clean()
[docs] @classmethod def datetime(cls): """ Gets the timestamp where we are going to save our current list. :return: The timestamp to append with the currently tested element. :rtype: int|str """ return datetime.utcnow()
[docs] def add(self, subject, status): """ Adds the given subject into the database. :param str subject: The subject we are working with. :param str status: The status of the given subject. """ if self.authorized: if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type == "json": current_datetime = self.datetime() if self[subject]: self[subject] = { "status": status, "last_retested_at_iso": current_datetime.isoformat(), "last_retested_at_epoch": current_datetime.timestamp(), } else: self[subject] = { "status": status, "included_at_iso": current_datetime.isoformat(), "last_retested_at_iso": current_datetime.isoformat(), "included_at_epoch": current_datetime.timestamp(), "last_retested_at_epoch": current_datetime.timestamp(), } f"Indexed {repr(subject)} with the status " f"{repr(status)} into {repr(self.filename)} database's." )
# We ignore the mariadb/mysql case because # we are sure that the data will be added in the database # by the system.
[docs] def remove(self, subject): """ Removes all occurrences of the given subject from the database. :param str subject: The subject we are working with. """ if self.authorized: if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type == "json": if self[subject]: del self[subject] "Cleaned the data related to " f"{repr(subject)}." )
# We don't implement the mysql/mariadb because, # instead of removing, the system will update the status # automatically.
[docs] def get_to_retest(self): """ Returns a set of subject to restest. """ "Getting the list of subjects to retest (DATASET WONT BE LOGGED)" ) if ( self.authorized and PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.days_between_db_retest >= 0 and self.filename in self.database ): if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type == "json": result = set() if ( PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.multiprocess and get_start_method() == "spawn" ): # pragma: no cover self.load() for subject, info in self.database[self.filename].items(): if ( "last_retested_at_epoch" in info and info["last_retested_at_epoch"] ): if ( datetime.utcnow() > datetime.fromtimestamp(info["last_retested_at_epoch"]) + self.days ): result.add(subject) else: result.add(subject) return result if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type in ["mariadb", "mysql"]: with session.Session() as db_session: try: # pylint: disable=no-member result = ( db_session.query(Status) .join(File) .filter(File.path == self.filename) .filter( Status.status.notin_( PyFunceble.core.CLI.get_up_statuses() ) ) .filter(datetime.utcnow() > Status.tested_at + self.days) .all() ) except NoResultFound: result = [] if result: return {x.tested for x in result} return set()
[docs] def get_already_tested(self): """ Returns a set of already tested subjects. """ "Getting the list of already tested (DATASET WONT BE LOGGED)" ) if self.authorized and PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.days_between_db_retest >= 0: if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type == "json": result = set() if ( PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.multiprocess and get_start_method() == "spawn" ): # pragma: no cover self.load() for subject, info in self.database[self.filename].items(): if ( "last_retested_at_epoch" in info and info["last_retested_at_epoch"] and datetime.utcnow() < datetime.fromtimestamp(info["last_retested_at_epoch"]) + self.days ): result.add(subject) else: result.add(subject) return result if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type in [ "mariadb", "mysql", ]: # pragma: no cover # pylint: disable=no-member with session.Session() as db_session: result = ( db_session.query(Status) .join(File) .filter(File.path == self.filename) .filter( == Status.file_id) .filter( Status.status.notin_(PyFunceble.core.CLI.get_up_statuses()) ) .filter(datetime.utcnow() < Status.tested_at + self.days) .all() ) if result: return {x.tested for x in result} return set()
[docs] def get_to_clean(self): """ Returns a set of subject to clean from the database. """ "Getting the list of subject to clean (DATASET WONT BE LOGGED)" ) if ( self.authorized and PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.days_between_inactive_db_clean >= 0 and self.filename in self.database ): if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type == "json": result = set() for subject, info in self.database[self.filename].items(): if "included_at_epoch" in info and info["included_at_epoch"]: if ( datetime.utcnow() > datetime.fromtimestamp(info["included_at_epoch"]) + self.days_between_clean ): result.add(subject) else: result.add(subject) return result # We ignore the mariadb/mysql case because # it's not necessary anymore. return set()