Source code for PyFunceble.cli.dispatcher

The tool to check the availability or syntax of domain, IP or URL.


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Dispatches between the diferrent cores (from the CLI.)

    Nissar Chababy, @funilrys, contactTATAfunilrysTODTODcom

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    Copyright 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Nissar Chababy

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.

import PyFunceble

from .execution_time import ExecutionTime

[docs]class Dispatcher: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, too-many-arguments """ Dispatches to one of the other brain. .. note:: We are talking about :code:`brain` because, each :code:`PyFunceble.core.*` is a unique brain which has it's own function ;-) Sometimes, 2 brains depends from the other one. But that's great because working together is always great ;-) :param preset: An instance of the configuration preset. :type preset: :py:class:`~PyFunceble.config.preset.Preset` :param list domain_or_ip: A list of subject to test. :param str file_path: A file path or a link. .. note:: If a file path is given, we read and test its content. .. note:: If a link is given, we download it's content and test it. .. warning:: If given, we consider each line to be an adblock filter, a host file format or a subject to test. :param str url_file_path: A file path or a link. .. note:: If a file path is given, we read and test its content. .. note:: If a link is given, we download it's content and test it. .. warning:: If given, we consider each line to be a URL to test. :param str url_to_test: A list of URL to test. """ def __init__( self, preset, domain_or_ip=None, file_path=None, url_file_path=None, url_to_test=None, generate_results_only=False, generate_all_results_only=False, ): self.preset = preset self.preset.init_all() PyFunceble.LOGGER.debug(f"CONFIGURATION:\n{PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION}") if domain_or_ip or file_path or url_file_path or url_to_test: PyFunceble.core.CLI.logs_sharing() ExecutionTime("start") if generate_results_only or generate_all_results_only: PyFunceble.INTERN["do_not_clean"] = True if domain_or_ip: PyFunceble.core.Simple(domain_or_ip).domain() elif file_path: self.dispatch_file_test( file_path, generate_results_only, generate_all_results_only ) elif url_file_path: self.dispatch_url_file_test( url_file_path, generate_results_only, generate_all_results_only ) elif url_to_test: PyFunceble.core.Simple(url_to_test).url() PyFunceble.output.Percentage().log() PyFunceble.core.CLI.colorify_logo() ExecutionTime("stop") PyFunceble.core.CLI.stay_safe() else: PyFunceble.core.CLI.print_nothing_to_test()
[docs] @classmethod def dispatch_file_test( cls, file_path, generate_results_only, generate_all_results_only ): """ Dispatches to the brain in charge of file testing. :param str file_path: The file path to test. :param bool generate_results_only: Tell us to only regenerate from the data stored into the MariaDB/MySQL databases. :param bool generate_all_results_only: Tell us to only regenerate from the data stored into the MariaDB/MySQL databases. .. note:: The difference with :code:`generate_results_only` is that it includes the retested which status didn't changed. """ PyFunceble.output.Constructor() if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.multiprocess: if not generate_results_only and not generate_all_results_only: PyFunceble.core.Multiprocess(file_path, "domain").run_test() elif generate_all_results_only: PyFunceble.core.Multiprocess(file_path, "domain").generate_files( include_entries_without_changes=True ) else: PyFunceble.core.Multiprocess(file_path, "domain").generate_files() else: if not generate_results_only and not generate_all_results_only: PyFunceble.core.File(file_path, "domain").run_test() elif generate_all_results_only: PyFunceble.core.File(file_path, "domain").generate_files( include_entries_without_changes=True ) else: PyFunceble.core.File(file_path, "domain").generate_files()
[docs] def dispatch_url_file_test( self, url_file_path, generate_results_only, generate_all_results_only ): """ Dispatches to the brain in charge of url file testing. :param str url_file_path: The file to test. :param bool generate_results_only: Tell us to only regenerate from the data stored into the MariaDB/MySQL databases. """ PyFunceble.output.Constructor() self.preset.file_url() if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.multiprocess: if not generate_results_only and not generate_all_results_only: PyFunceble.core.Multiprocess(url_file_path, "url").run_test() elif generate_all_results_only: PyFunceble.core.Multiprocess(url_file_path, "url").generate_files( include_entries_without_changes=True ) else: PyFunceble.core.Multiprocess(url_file_path, "url").generate_files() else: if not generate_results_only and not generate_all_results_only: PyFunceble.core.File(url_file_path, "url").run_test() elif generate_all_results_only: PyFunceble.core.File(url_file_path, "url").generate_files( include_entries_without_changes=True ) else: PyFunceble.core.File(url_file_path, "url").generate_files()