Source code for PyFunceble.database.whois

The tool to check the availability or syntax of domain, IP or URL.


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Provides the WHOIS database interface.

    Nissar Chababy, @funilrys, contactTATAfunilrysTODTODcom

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    Copyright 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Nissar Chababy

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.

from datetime import datetime

from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound

import PyFunceble
from PyFunceble.engine.database.loader import session
from PyFunceble.engine.database.schemas import WhoisRecord

[docs]class WhoisDB: """ Provides the WHOIS database interface and logic. """ database = {} database_file = None def __init__(self, parent_process=False): # Get the authorization. self.database_file = "" if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type == "json": # We set the location of the database file. self.database_file = "{0}{1}".format( PyFunceble.CONFIG_DIRECTORY, PyFunceble.OUTPUTS.default_files.whois_db ) self.parent = parent_process PyFunceble.LOGGER.debug(f"DB (File): {self.database_file}") # We load the configuration. self.load() def __contains__(self, index): if self.authorized: if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type == "json": if index in self.database:"{index} is present into the database.") return True"{index} is not present into the database.") return False if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type in ["mariadb", "mysql"]: with session.Session() as db_session: try: # pylint: disable=no-member _ = ( db_session.query(WhoisRecord).filter( WhoisRecord.subject == index ) ).one()"{index} is present into the database.") return True except NoResultFound: f"{index} is not present into the database." ) return False # pragma: no cover def __getitem__(self, index): if self.authorized: if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type == "json": if index in self.database: return self.database[index] return None if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type in ["mariadb", "mysql"]: fetched = None with session.Session() as db_session: try: # pylint: disable=no-member fetched = ( db_session.query(WhoisRecord).filter( WhoisRecord.subject == index ) ).one() return { "epoch": fetched.epoch, "expiration_date": fetched.expiration_date, "state": fetched.state, "record": fetched.record, } except NoResultFound: pass return None # pragma: no cover def __setitem_json(self, index, value): actual_value = self[index] if not PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.store_whois_record and "record" in value: del value["record"] if isinstance(actual_value, dict): if isinstance(value, dict): self.database[index].update(value) else: # pragma: no cover self.database[index] = value elif isinstance(actual_value, list): if isinstance(value, list): # pragma: no cover self.database[index].extend(value) else: # pragma: no cover self.database[index].append(value) else: self.database[index] = value f"Inserted {repr(value)} into the subset of {repr(index)}" ) @classmethod def __setitem_mysql(cls, index, value): with session.Session() as db_session: try: # pylint: disable=no-member record = ( db_session.query(WhoisRecord) .filter(WhoisRecord.subject == index) .one() ) except NoResultFound: record = WhoisRecord( subject=index, ) for db_key, db_value in value.items(): if not PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.store_whois_record and db_key == "record": continue setattr(record, db_key, db_value) with session.Session() as db_session: # pylint: disable=no-member db_session.add(record) db_session.commit()"Inserted into the database: \n {value}") def __setitem__(self, index, value): if self.authorized: if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type == "json": self.__setitem_json(index, value) elif PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type in ["mariadb", "mysql"]: self.__setitem_mysql(index, value) @property def authorized(self): """ Provides the operation authorization. """ return ( not PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.no_whois and PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.whois_database )
[docs] @classmethod def merge(cls, old): # pragma: no cover """ Merges the older version of the database into the new version. :param dict old: The old version of the database. :return: The database in the new format. :rtype: dict """ # We initiate a local place to save our results. result = {} if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type == "json": for index, data in old.items(): # We loop through all indexes and data of the database. if isinstance(data, dict) and "epoch" in data: # The epoch index is present into the currently # read dataset. # We create the copy of the dataset for our result. result[index] = data continue if isinstance(data, dict): # The read data is a dict. # We save the content of of the currently read dataset # into the upstream index. result.update(data) # We return the result. return result
[docs] def load(self): """ Loads the database file into the database. """ if ( self.authorized and PyFunceble.helpers.File(self.database_file).exists() and PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type == "json" ): # * We are authorized to operate. # and # * The database file exists. # We merge our current database into already initiated one. self.database.update( self.merge(PyFunceble.helpers.Dict().from_json_file(self.database_file)) ) "Database content loaded in memory. (DATASET WONT BE LOGGED)" ) # As changes can happen because of the merging, we directly saved # the loaded data.
[docs] def save(self): """ Saves the database into the database file. """ if ( self.authorized and self.parent and PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type == "json" ): # We are authorized to operate. # We save the current state of the datbase. PyFunceble.helpers.Dict(self.database).to_json_file(self.database_file)"Saved database into {repr(self.database_file)}.")
[docs] def is_time_older(self, subject): """ Checks if the expiration time of the given subject is older. :param str subject: The subject we are working with. .. note:: Of course, we imply that the subject is in the database. """ data = self[subject] return ( self.authorized and data and "epoch" in data and datetime.fromtimestamp(float(data["epoch"])) < datetime.utcnow() )
[docs] def get_expiration_date(self, subject): """ Gets the expiration date of the given subject. :param str subject: The subject we are working with. :return: The expiration date from the database. :rtype: tuple """ if self.authorized and self[subject] and not self.is_time_older(subject): # * We are authorized to work. # and # * The element we are testing is in the database. # and # * The expiration date is in the future. if "record" in self[subject]: whois_record = self[subject]["record"] else: whois_record = None try: # We return the expiration date. return self[subject]["expiration_date"], whois_record except KeyError: # pragma: no cover pass # We return None, there is no data to work with. return None, None
[docs] def add(self, subject, expiration_date, server, record=None): """ Adds the given subject and expiration date to the database. :param str subject: The subject we are working with. :param str expiration_date: The extracted expiration date. :param str server: The server we got the record from. :param str record: The WHOIS record. """ if self.authorized and expiration_date: # * We are authorized to operate. # and # * The expiration date is not empty nor None. # We initiate what we are going to save into the database data = { "epoch": datetime.strptime(expiration_date, "%d-%b-%Y").timestamp(), "expiration_date": expiration_date, "server": server, } if record: # pragma: no cover data["record"] = str(record) else: data["record"] = str(None) if data["epoch"] < datetime.utcnow().timestamp(): # We compare the epoch with the current time. # We set the state. data["state"] = "past" else: # We set the state. data["state"] = "future" # We save everything into the database. self[subject] = data # We save everything.