Source code for PyFunceble.abstracts.package

The tool to check the availability or syntax of domain, IP or URL.


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Provides everything related to the package and its version.

    Nissar Chababy, @funilrys, contactTATAfunilrysTODTODcom

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    Copyright 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Nissar Chababy

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
from PyFunceble import helpers

[docs]class Package: """ Provides some packaging related abstractions. """ NAME = "PyFunceble" """ Sets the package name. :type: str """ VERSION = "3.3.2. (Teal Blauwbok: Tick)" """ Sets the package version. :type: str """
[docs]class Version: """ Provides a simple way to compare our own versions. """
[docs] @classmethod def split_versions(cls, version, return_non_digits=False): """ Converts the versions to a shorter one. :param str version: The version to split. :param bool return_non_digits: Activate the return of the non-digits parts of the splitted version. :return: A tuple. The first index is the digit part of the version, when the second one is the the non-digit part of the version. :rtype: tuple """ # We split the version. splited_version = version.split(".") # We keep the digits only. digits = [x for x in splited_version if x.isdigit()] if not return_non_digits: # We do not have to return the non digits part of the version. # We return the digits part of the version. return digits # We have to return the non digit parts of the version. # We keep the non digits. non_digits = [x for x in splited_version if not x.isdigit()] # We return a tuple with first the digits part and finally the non digit parts. return digits, non_digits[0]
[docs] @classmethod def literally_compare(cls, local, upstream): """ Compares the given versions, literally. :param str local: The local version converted by :py:func:`~PyFunceble.abstracts.package.split_versions`. :param str upstream: The upstream version converted by :py:func:`~PyFunceble.abstracts.package.split_versions`. :return: - :code:`True`: local == upstream - :code:`False`: local != upstream :rtype: bool """ return local == upstream
[docs] @classmethod def compare(cls, upstream): """ Compares the given versions with the local one. :param list local: The local version converted by :py:func:`~PyFunceble.abstracts.package.split_versions`. :param list upstream: The upstream version converted by :py:func:`~PyFunceble.abstracts.package.split_versions`. :return: - :code:`True`: local < upstream - :code:`None`: local == upstream - :code:`False`: local > upstream :rtype: bool, None """ # We get the local version. local = cls.split_versions(Package.VERSION) # We get the upstream version upstream = cls.split_versions(upstream) # A version should be in format [1,2,3] which is actually the version `1.2.3` # So as we only have 3 elements in the versioning, # we initiate the following variable in order to get the status of each parts. status = [None, None, None] for index, version_number in enumerate(local): # We loop through the local version. if int(version_number) < int(upstream[index]): # The local version is less than the upstream version. # We initiate its status to True which means that we are in # an old version (for the current version part). status[index] = True elif int(version_number) > int(upstream[index]): # The local version is greater then the upstream version. # We initiate its status to False which means that we are in # a more recent version (for the current version part). status[index] = False else: # The local version is eqal to the upstream version. # We initiate its status to None which means that we are in # the same version (for the current version part). status[index] = None # Otherwise the status stay None which means that there is no change # between both local and upstream. # We consider that the version is the same. result = None for data in status: # We loop through the list of status. # The purpose of this loop is only to # get the first not None value. if result is None: # The result is None (no changes). # We set the currently read one as the result. result = data # We return the result. return result
[docs] @classmethod def is_local_dev(cls): """ Checks if the local version is the development version. """ return cls.split_versions(Package.VERSION, return_non_digits=True)[ -1 ].startswith("dev")
[docs] @classmethod def is_local_cloned(cls): # pragma: no cover """ Checks if the local version is was downloaded per :code:`git clone`. """ if not helpers.Directory(".git").exists(): # The git directory does not exist. # We return False, the current version is not the cloned version. return False # We list the list of file which can be found only in a cloned version. list_of_file = [ ".coveragerc", ".coveralls.yml", ".gitignore", ".PyFunceble_production.yaml", ".travis.yml", "CODE_OF_CONDUCT.rst", "CONTRIBUTING.rst", "dir_structure_production.json", "", "README.rst", "requirements.txt", "", "version.yaml", ] # We list the list of directory which can be found only in a cloned # version. list_of_dir = ["docs", "PyFunceble", "tests"] if not all([helpers.File(x).exists() for x in list_of_file]): return False # All required files exist in the current directory. if not all([helpers.Directory(x).exists() for x in list_of_dir]): return False # All required directories exist in the current directory. # We return True, the current version is a cloned version. return True