Source code for PyFunceble.config.preset

# pylint: disable=line-too-long
The tool to check the availability or syntax of domain, IP or URL.


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Provides a way to preset the configuration before launching a specific test type.

    Nissar Chababy, @funilrys, contactTATAfunilrysTODTODcom

Special thanks:


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    Copyright 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Nissar Chababy

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
# pylint: enable=line-too-long

from os import cpu_count

from colorama import Fore, Style
from sqlalchemy.exc import OperationalError

import PyFunceble
from PyFunceble.engine.database.loader import credential
from PyFunceble.engine.database.migrations import Alembic

[docs]class Preset: # pragma: no cover """ Checks or update the global configuration based on some events. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods # List all index which can be superset. # In other words if an index which is listed here # is also listed into PyFunceble.INTERN["custom_config_loaded"], # We do not update it. do_not_overwrite_if_customized = [ "ci", "cooldown_time", "inactive_database", "no_files", "print_dots", "quiet", "reputation", "timeout", "use_reputation_data", "whois_database", ]
[docs] def init_all(self): """ Initiate all presets which are independent from others. """ self.timeout() self.dns_lookup_over_tcp() self.dns_nameserver() self.cooldown_time() self.multiprocess() self.syntax_test() self.reputation_data() self.upgrade_database()
[docs] @classmethod def switch( cls, variable, custom=False ): # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements """ Switches :code:`PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION` variables to their opposite. :param variable: The variable name to switch. The variable should be an index our configuration system. If we want to switch a bool variable, we should parse it here. :type variable: str|bool :param bool custom: Let us know if have to switch the parsed variable instead of our configuration index. :return: The opposite of the configuration index or the given variable. :rtype: bool :raises: :code:`Exception` When the configuration is not valid. In other words, if the PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION[variable_name] is not a bool. """ if not custom: # We are not working with custom variable which is not into # the configuration. # We get the current state. current_state = dict.get(PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION, variable) else: # We are working with a custom variable which is not into the # configuration current_state = variable if isinstance(current_state, bool): # The current state is a boolean. if current_state: # The current state is equal to True. # We return False. return False # The current state is equal to False. # We return True. return True # The current state is not a boolean. # We set the message to raise. to_print = "Impossible to switch %s. Please post an issue to %s" # We raise an exception inviting the user to report an issue. raise Exception(to_print % (repr(variable), PyFunceble.LINKS.repo + "/issues."))
@classmethod def __are_we_allowed_to_overwrite(cls, index): """ Checks if we are allowed to overwrite an index. """ return not ( index in cls.do_not_overwrite_if_customized and PyFunceble.LOADER.custom_loaded and index in PyFunceble.LOADER.custom_loaded )
[docs] @classmethod def disable(cls, indexes): """ Sets the given configuration index to :code:`False`. """ # pylint: disable=unsupported-membership-test,unsubscriptable-object,unsupported-assignment-operation if isinstance(indexes, list): for index in indexes: cls.disable(index) return None if not cls.__are_we_allowed_to_overwrite(indexes): PyFunceble.LOGGER.debug(f"Not allowed to switch {indexes}.") return None if indexes not in PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION or PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION[indexes]: PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION[indexes] = False PyFunceble.LOGGER.debug( f"CONFIGURATION.{indexes} switched to {PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION[indexes]}" ) return None PyFunceble.LOGGER.debug( f"Not allowed to switch {indexes} because " "it is already to the right value. " f"({PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION[indexes]})" ) return None
[docs] @classmethod def enable(cls, indexes): """ Sets the given configuration index to :code:`True`. """ # pylint: disable=unsupported-membership-test,unsubscriptable-object,unsupported-assignment-operation if isinstance(indexes, list): for index in indexes: cls.enable(index) return None if not cls.__are_we_allowed_to_overwrite(indexes): PyFunceble.LOGGER.debug(f"Not allowed to switch {indexes}.") return None if ( indexes not in PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION or not PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION[indexes] ): PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION[indexes] = True PyFunceble.LOGGER.debug( f"CONFIGURATION.{indexes} switched to {PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION[indexes]}" ) return None PyFunceble.LOGGER.debug( f"Not allowed to switch {indexes} because " "it is already to the right value. " f"({PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION[indexes]})" ) return None
[docs] @classmethod def reset_counters(cls): """ Resets the counters. """ for status in ["up", "down", "invalid", "tested"]: # We loop through to the index of the autoContinue subsystem. # And we set the counter of the currently read status to 0. PyFunceble.INTERN["counter"]["number"][status] = 0 PyFunceble.INTERN["counter"]["percentage"][status] = 0 PyFunceble.LOGGER.debug("Counter resetted.")
[docs] def syntax_test(self): """ Disables the HTTP status code if we are testing for syntax """ if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.syntax: # We are checking for syntax. # We deactivate the http status code. = False should_be_disabled = ["generate_hosts", "reputation", "use_reputation_data"] should_be_enabled = ["plain_list_domain"] self.disable(should_be_disabled) self.enable(should_be_enabled)
[docs] @classmethod def maximal_processes(cls): """ Ensures that the number of maximal processes is alway >= 2. If not, we don't authorize the multiprocessing. """ if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.multiprocess: if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.maximal_processes < 2: PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.multiprocess = False PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.maximal_processes = 1
[docs] @classmethod def multiprocess_merging_mode(cls): """ Ensures that a valid merging mode is given. """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long if not PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.multiprocess_merging_mode or PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.multiprocess_merging_mode.lower() not in [ "end", "live", ]: PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.multiprocess_merging_mode = "end" if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type in ["mysql", "mariadb"]: PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.multiprocess_merging_mode = "live"
[docs] def simple_domain(self): """ Prepares the global configuration for a domain test. """ should_be_disabled = ["show_percentage", "whois_database"] for index in should_be_disabled: self.disable(index)
[docs] def simple_url(self): """ Prepares the global configuration for an URL test. """ should_be_disabled = ["show_percentage", "whois_database"] self.disable(should_be_disabled)
[docs] def complements(self): """ Prepares the global configuration for a complements generation. """ should_be_enabled = ["auto_continue"] self.enable(should_be_enabled)
[docs] def file_url(self): """ Prepares the global configuration for a list of URL to test. """ should_be_disabled = ["generate_hosts"] should_be_enabled = ["no_whois", "plain_list_domain", "split"] self.disable(should_be_disabled) self.enable(should_be_enabled)
[docs] def api(self): """ Prepares the global configuration for a test from the API. """ should_be_disabled = [ "inactive_database", "auto_continue", "show_execution_time", ] should_be_enabled = ["quiet", "whois_database", "no_files"] self.disable(should_be_disabled) self.enable(should_be_enabled) if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.api_file_generation: PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.no_files = False
[docs] def multiprocess(self): """ Prepares the global configuration for a test with multiple processes. """ self.maximal_processes() if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.multiprocess: if ( "multiprocess_warning_printed" not in PyFunceble.INTERN and not PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.simple and not PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.quiet ): if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type not in ["mysql", "mariadb"]: print( f"{Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT}The " f"{repr(PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type)} database type " "is not recommended with the multiprocessing mode." ) available_cpu = cpu_count() if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.maximal_processes > available_cpu: print( f"{Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT}You're using more processes " f"({repr(PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.maximal_processes)}) than " f"the number of available CPU ({available_cpu}). Use at your own risk!" ) PyFunceble.INTERN["multiprocess_warning_printed"] = True self.multiprocess_merging_mode()
[docs] @classmethod def timeout(cls): """ Ensures that the timeout is always correct. """ if cls.__are_we_allowed_to_overwrite("timeout") and ( not PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.timeout or PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.timeout < 0 ): PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.timeout = float(3) PyFunceble.LOGGER.debug( f"CONFIGURATION.timeout switched to {PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.timeout}" ) if not isinstance(PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.timeout, float): PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.timeout = float(PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.timeout) PyFunceble.LOGGER.debug( f"CONFIGURATION.timeout switched to {PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.timeout}" ) PyFunceble.DNSLOOKUP.update_lifetime(PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.timeout)
[docs] @classmethod def dns_lookup_over_tcp(cls): """ Ensures that the DNS lookup over tcp is proprely set. """ PyFunceble.DNSLOOKUP.tcp = PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.dns_lookup_over_tcp
[docs] @classmethod def dns_nameserver(cls): """ Ensures that the DNS nameserver is proprely set. """ PyFunceble.DNSLOOKUP.update_nameserver(PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.dns_server)
[docs] def reputation_data(self): """ Ensures that the usage of reputation data is activated when needed. """ if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.reputation: should_be_enabled = ["use_reputation_data", "no_whois", "plain_list_domain"] should_be_disabled = ["whois_database", "inactive_database", "mining"] self.enable(should_be_enabled) self.disable(should_be_disabled) = False
[docs] def cooldown_time(self): """ Ensures that we always have a correct cooldown time. """ if ( self.__are_we_allowed_to_overwrite("cooldown_time") and PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.cooldown_time and not isinstance(PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.cooldown_time, float) ): PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.cooldown_time = float( PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.cooldown_time )
[docs] @classmethod def upgrade_database(cls): """ Ensures that the database always have the latest state. """ if ( PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type in ["mysql", "mariadb"] and "migration_started" not in PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION ): try: Alembic(credential.Credential()).upgrade() except OperationalError: pass PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION["migration_started"] = True