Source code for PyFunceble.engine.mysql

The tool to check the availability or syntax of domain, IP or URL.


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Provides the MariaDB/MySQL communication engine.

    Nissar Chababy, @funilrys, contactTATAfunilrysTODTODcom

Special thanks:


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    Copyright 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Nissar Chababy

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.

import warnings
from getpass import getpass
from os import sep as directory_separator

import pymysql

import PyFunceble

[docs]class MySQL: """ Provides our way to work with our mysql/mariadb database. """ # pylint: disable=no-member,too-many-instance-attributes variables = { "host": {"env": "PYFUNCEBLE_DB_HOST", "default": "localhost"}, "port": {"env": "PYFUNCEBLE_DB_PORT", "default": 3306}, "name": {"env": "PYFUNCEBLE_DB_NAME", "default": "pyfunceble"}, "username": {"env": "PYFUNCEBLE_DB_USERNAME", "default": "pyfunceble"}, "password": {"env": "PYFUNCEBLE_DB_PASSWORD", "default": "PyFunceble:15_93le"}, "charset": {"env": "PYFUNCEBLE_DB_CHARSET", "default": "utf8mb4"}, } tables = { "auto_continue": "pyfunceble_auto_continue", "inactive": "pyfunceble_inactive", "mining": "pyfunceble_mining", "whois": "pyfunceble_whois", "tested": "pyfunceble_tested", } errors = pymysql.err.IntegrityError connection = None def __init__(self): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") self.authorized = self.authorization() if self.authorized: self.pyfunceble_env_location = ( PyFunceble.CONFIG_DIRECTORY + PyFunceble.abstracts.Infrastructure.ENV_FILENAME ) self.env_content = self.parse_env_file(self.pyfunceble_env_location) self.pre_initiated = False self.post_initiated = False self.db_tables_initiated = False def __enter__(self): self.init_pre_connection() if directory_separator not in self._host or "/" not in self._host: self.connection = pymysql.connect( host=self._host, port=self._port, user=self._username, password=self._password, db=self._name, charset=self._charset, cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor, autocommit=True, ) else: self.connection = pymysql.connect( unix_socket=self._host, user=self._username, password=self._password, db=self._name, charset=self._charset, cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor, autocommit=True, ) self.init_post_connection() return self.connection def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.connection.close()
[docs] @classmethod def get_int_cast_type(cls): """ Provides the right integer casting. """ if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type == "mariadb": return "INTEGER" return "SIGNED"
[docs] @classmethod def authorization(cls): """ Provides the authorization to operate. """ return PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type in ["mariadb", "mysql"]
[docs] @classmethod def parse_mysql_sql_file(cls): """ Parses our mysql.sql file into something we understand. """ source = PyFunceble.CONFIG_DIRECTORY + if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type == "mariadb": source += PyFunceble.OUTPUTS.db_type.files.mariadb elif PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION.db_type == "mysql": source += PyFunceble.OUTPUTS.db_type.files.mysql statements = [] delimiter = ";" statement = "" with open(source, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file_stream: source_content = file_stream.readlines() for line in source_content: line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith("--"): continue if "delimiter" in line.lower(): delimiter = line.split()[-1] continue if "--" in line: statement += line.split("--")[0] + " " continue if delimiter not in line: statement += line + " " continue if statement: statement += line.replace(delimiter, ";") + " " statements.append(statement) statement = "" else: statements.append(line) return statements
[docs] @classmethod def parse_env_file(cls, env_file_location): """ Parses the environment file into something we understand. :param str env_file_location: The location of the file we have to parse. """ result = {} content = "" file_instance = PyFunceble.helpers.File(env_file_location) if file_instance.exists(): content = for line in content.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if line.startswith("#"): continue if "#" in line: line = line[: line.find("#")] if "=" in line: splited = line.split("=") result[splited[0]] = splited[1] return result
[docs] def save_to_env_file(self, envs, env_file_location): """ Saves the given dict of environment variable into our environment file. :param dict envs: A dict of environment variables to save. :param str env_file_location: The location of the file we have to update. """ if not self.pre_initiated and envs: file_instance = PyFunceble.helpers.File(env_file_location) try: content = except FileNotFoundError: content = "" for environment_variable, value in envs.items(): to_write = "{0}={1}".format(environment_variable, value) regex = r"{0}=.*".format(environment_variable) if content: if PyFunceble.helpers.Regex(f"^{regex}").get_matching_list( content.splitlines() ): content = PyFunceble.helpers.Regex(regex).replace_match( content, to_write ) else: if not content.endswith("\n"): content += "\n{0}\n".format(to_write) else: content += "{0}\n".format(to_write) else: content += "{0}\n".format(to_write) file_instance.write(content, overwrite=True)
[docs] def init_pre_connection(self): """ Initiate everything needed before the connection. """ if "mysql" in PyFunceble.INTERN: self.__dict__.update(PyFunceble.INTERN["mysql"].copy()) if self.authorized and not self.pre_initiated: for (description, data) in self.variables.items(): environment_var = PyFunceble.helpers.EnvironmentVariable(data["env"]) if environment_var.exists(): setattr( self, "_{0}".format(description), environment_var.get_value(), ) else: message = "[MySQL/MariaDB] Please give us your DB {0} ({1}): ".format( description.capitalize(), repr(data["default"]) ) if description != "password": user_input = input(message) else: user_input = getpass(message) if user_input: setattr(self, "_{0}".format(description), user_input) self.env_content[data["env"]] = user_input else: setattr(self, "_{0}".format(description), data["default"]) self.env_content[data["env"]] = data["default"] # pylint: disable = attribute-defined-outside-init self._port = int(self._port) self.save_to_env_file(self.env_content, self.pyfunceble_env_location) self.pre_initiated = True
[docs] def init_post_connection(self): """ Initiate everything needed after the connection. """ if self.authorized and not self.post_initiated: self.create_tables_and_apply_patches() self.post_initiated = True PyFunceble.INTERN["mysql"] = self.__dict__.copy()
[docs] def are_tables_present(self): """ Checks if all our tables are present. """ if self.authorized: for _, table_name in self.tables.items(): with self.get_connection() as cursor: query = ( "SELECT COUNT(*) " "FROM information_schema.tables " "WHERE table_schema = %(database_name)s " "AND table_name = %(table_name)s " ) cursor.execute( query, {"database_name": self._name, "table_name": table_name,}, ) result = cursor.fetchone() if result["COUNT(*)"] != 1: return False return True
[docs] def create_tables_and_apply_patches(self): """ Creates the tables of the database and apply the patches. """ if self.authorized and not self.db_tables_initiated: with self.connection.cursor() as cursor: for statement in self.parse_mysql_sql_file(): cursor.execute(statement) "Created the missing tables. Applied all patched" ) self.db_tables_initiated = True