Source code for PyFunceble.helpers

# pylint:disable=line-too-long, too-many-lines
The tool to check the availability or syntax of domains, IPv4 or URL.


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This submodule will provide the helpers.

    Nissar Chababy, @funilrys, contactTATAfunilrysTODTODcom

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    MIT License

    Copyright (c) 2017, 2018, 2019 Nissar Chababy

    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
    of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
    in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
    to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
    copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
    furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

    The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
    copies or substantial portions of the Software.

# pylint: enable=line-too-long
import hashlib
from json import decoder, dump, loads
from os import remove
from re import compile as comp
from re import escape
from re import sub as substrings
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen

import urllib3.exceptions as urllib3_exceptions
from urllib3 import disable_warnings
from yaml import dump as dump_yaml
from yaml import safe_load as load_yaml

from PyFunceble import Fore, Style
from PyFunceble import copy as shutil_copy
from PyFunceble import directory_separator, path, requests

[docs]class Hash: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ Get and return the hash a file with the given algorithm. :param str file_path: The path to the file we have to hash. :param str algorithm: The algorithm to use. :param bool only_hash: Tell us if we only have to return the desired algorithm instead of the dummy dict format. .. note:: The original version can be found at """ def __init__( self, file_path=None, algorithm="sha512", only_hash=False, data=None ): # pragma: no cover # We initiate the list of allowed algorithms. self.valid_algorithms = ["all", "md5", "sha1", "sha224", "sha384", "sha512"] # We get the parsed file path. self.path = file_path # We get the parsed data. if isinstance(data, bytes): = data elif data is None: = "".encode("utf-8") else: = data.encode("utf-8") # We get the parsed algorithm. self.algorithm = algorithm # We get the parsed decision about the only hash arguments. self.only_hash = only_hash
[docs] def _hash_file(self, algo): """Get the hash of the given file :param str algo: The algorithm to use. :return: The hexdigest of the data. :rtype: str """ # We het the algorithm function. hash_data = getattr(hashlib, algo)() with open(self.path, "rb") as file: # We open an read the parsed path. # We read the content. content = # We parse the content to the hash algorithm. hash_data.update(content) # And we extract and return the hash. return hash_data.hexdigest()
[docs] def _hash_data(self, algo): """ Get hash of the given data. :param str algo: The algorithm to use. """ # We het the algorithm function. hash_data = getattr(hashlib, algo)() # We set the data into our hashlib. hash_data.update( # And we extract and return the hash. return hash_data.hexdigest()
[docs] def get(self): """ Return the hash of the given file """ # We initiate a variable which will save the result we are going # to return. result = {} if self.algorithm in self.valid_algorithms: # * The parsed path exist. # and # * The parsed algorithm is in the list of valid algorithms. if self.algorithm == "all": # The parsed algorithm is `all`. # We remove `all` (the first element of the list) from # the list of valid algorithms because we are going to # loop through the list of valid algorithms. del self.valid_algorithms[0] for algo in self.valid_algorithms: # We loop through the list of valid algorithms. if self.path and path.isfile(self.path): # The file path exist. # We save the hash into the result variable. result[algo] = self._hash_file(algo) elif # * The path does not exist. # and # * The given data is not empty. # We save the hash into the result variable. result[algo] = self._hash_data(algo) else: # pragma: no cover # All other case are met. # We return None. return None else: # The parsed algorithm is a specific one. if self.path and path.isfile(self.path): # The file path exist. # We save the hash into the result variable. result[self.algorithm] = self._hash_file(self.algorithm) elif # * The path does not exist. # and # * The given data is not empty. # We save the hash into the result variable. result[self.algorithm] = self._hash_data(self.algorithm) else: # All the other case are met. # We return None. return None else: # pragma: no cover # The parsed algorithm is not in the list of valid algorithms. return None if self.algorithm != "all" and self.only_hash: # * The parsed algorithm is not equal to `all`. # and # * We only have to return the selected hash. # We return the selected algorithm. return result[self.algorithm] # * The parsed algorithm is equal to `all`. # or # * We do not have to return the selected hash. # We return all hashes. return result
[docs]class Command: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ Shell command execution. :param str command: The command to execute. :param str encoding: The encoding to use to decode the shell output. """ def __init__(self, command, encoding="utf-8"): # pragma: no cover # We set the default decoding type. self.decode_type = encoding if isinstance(command, list): # The given command is a list. # We construct the command we are going to run. self.command = " ".join(command) elif isinstance(command, str): # The given command is a string. # We set the command we are going to run. self.command = command else: raise NotImplementedError( "Unknown command type: `{}`".format(type(command)) )
[docs] def _decode_output(self, to_decode): """ Decode the output of a shell command in order to be readable. :param bytes to_decode: Output of a command to decode. :return: The decoded output. :rtype: str """ return to_decode.decode(self.decode_type)
[docs] def execute(self): """ Execute the given command. :return: The output of the command. :rtype: str """ # We initiate a process and parse the command to it. process = Popen(self.command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) # We communicate the command and get the output and the error. (output, error) = process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: # pragma: no cover # The return code is different to 0. # We return the decoded error. return self._decode_output(error) # The return code (or exit code if you prefer) if equal to 0. # We return the decoded output of the executed command. return self._decode_output(output)
[docs] def run(self): """ Run the given command and yield each line(s) one by one. .. note:: The difference between this method and :func:`~PyFunceble.helpers.Command.execute` is that :func:`~PyFunceble.helpers.Command.execute` wait for the process to end in order to return its output while this method return each line one by one - as they are outputed. """ with Popen(self.command, stdout=PIPE, shell=True) as process: # We initiate a process and parse the command to it. while True: # We loop infinitly because we want to get the output # until there is none. # We get the current line from the process stdout. # # Note: we use rstrip() because we are paranoid :-) current_line = process.stdout.readline().rstrip() if not current_line: # The current line is empty or equal to None. # We break the loop. break # The line is not empty nor equal to None. # We encode and yield the current line yield self._decode_output(current_line)
[docs]class Dict: """ Dictionary manipulations. :param dict main_dictionnary: The dict we are working with. """ def __init__(self, main_dictionnary=None): # pragma: no cover # We set the main dictionnary as the parsed dictionnary. self.main_dictionnary = main_dictionnary
[docs] def remove_key(self, key_to_remove): """ Remove a given key from a given dictionary. :param key_to_remove: The key(s) to delete. :type key_to_remove: list|str :return: The dict without the given key(s). :rtype: dict|None """ if isinstance(self.main_dictionnary, dict): # The main dictionnary is a dictionnary if isinstance(key_to_remove, list): # The parsed key to remove is a list. for key in key_to_remove: # We loop through the list of key to remove. # We delete the key from the dictionnary. del self.main_dictionnary[key] else: # The parsed key to remove is not a list. try: # We delete the given key from the dictionnary. del self.main_dictionnary[key_to_remove] except KeyError: pass # We return the final dictionnary. return self.main_dictionnary # The main dictionnary is not a dictionnary. # We return None. return None
[docs] def rename_key(self, key_to_rename, strict=True): """ Rename the given keys from the given dictionary. :param dict key_to_rename: The key(s) to rename. Expected format: :code:`{old:new}` :param bool strict: Tell us if we have to rename the exact index or the index which looks like the given key(s) :return: The well formatted dict. :rtype: dict|None """ if isinstance(self.main_dictionnary, dict) and isinstance(key_to_rename, dict): # * The given main directory is a dictionnary. # and # * The given key to rename is a dictionnary. for old, new in key_to_rename.items(): # We loop through the key to raname. if strict: # The strict method is activated. if old in self.main_dictionnary: # The old key is in the main dictionnary. # We initiate the new with the old and remove the old content. self.main_dictionnary[new] = self.main_dictionnary.pop(old) else: # The strict method is not activated. # We initiate the elements to rename. to_rename = {} for index in self.main_dictionnary: # We loop throught the indexes of the main dictionnary. if old in index: # The old key is into the index name. # We append the index name and the new index to our # local list to rename. to_rename.update({index: new[:-1] + index.split(old)[-1]}) # We run this method against the local list to rename in order # to rename the element. self.main_dictionnary = Dict(self.main_dictionnary).rename_key( to_rename, True ) # We return the final list. return self.main_dictionnary # * The given main directory is not a dictionnary. # or # * The given key to rename is not a dictionnary. # We return None. return None
[docs] def merge(self, to_merge, strict=True): """ Merge the content of :code:`to_merge` into the main dictionnary. :param dict to_merge: The dictionnary to merge. :param bool strict: Tell us if we have to strictly merge lists. - :code:`True`: We follow index. - :code:`False`: We follow element (content/value) :return: The merged dict. :rtype: dict """ # We initiate a variable which will save our result. result = {} for index, data in to_merge.items(): # We loop through the given dict to merge. if index in self.main_dictionnary: # The currently read index is in the main dict. if isinstance(data, dict) and isinstance( self.main_dictionnary[index], dict ): # They are dict in both sides. # We merge the dict tree and save into the local result. result[index] = Dict(self.main_dictionnary[index]).merge( data, strict=strict ) elif isinstance(data, list) and isinstance( self.main_dictionnary[index], list ): # They are list in both sides. # We merge the lists and save into the local result. result[index] = List(self.main_dictionnary[index]).merge( data, strict=strict ) else: # They are not list nor dict. result[index] = data else: # The currently read index is not in the main dict. # We create it. result[index] = data for index, data in self.main_dictionnary.items(): # We loop through each element of the main dict. if index not in result: # The currently read index is not into # the result. # We append it to the result. result[index] = data # We return the result. return result
[docs] def to_json(self, destination): """ Save a dictionnary into a JSON file. :param str destination: A path to a file where we're going to write the converted dict into a JSON format. """ try: with open(destination, "w") as file: # We open the file we are going to write. # Note: We always overwrite the destination. # We save the current dictionnary into a json format. dump( self.main_dictionnary, file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4, sort_keys=True, ) except UnicodeEncodeError: # pragma: no cover with open(destination, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: # We open the file we are going to write. # Note: We always overwrite the destination. # We save the current dictionnary into a json format. dump( self.main_dictionnary, file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4, sort_keys=True, )
[docs] def to_yaml(self, destination, flow_style=False): """ Save a dictionnary into a YAML file. :param str destination: A path to a file where we're going to write the converted dict into a JSON format. """ with open(destination, "w") as file: # We open the file we are going to write. # Note: We always overwrite the destination. # We save the current dictionnary into a json format. dump_yaml( self.main_dictionnary, file, encoding="utf-8", allow_unicode=True, indent=4, default_flow_style=flow_style, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, data): """ Convert a JSON formatted string into a dictionary. :param str data: A JSON formatted string to convert to dict format. :return: The dict representation of the JSON formatted string. :rtype: dict """ try: # Read a json string and convert it to dictionnary. return loads(data) except decoder.JSONDecodeError: # pragma: no cover # In case the decoder return an error, # we return and empty dictionnary. return {}
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, data): """ Convert a YAML formatted string into a dictionary. :param str data: A YAML formatted string to convert to dict format. :return: The dict representation of the YAML formatted string. :rtype: dict """ # We read a YAML string and convert it into a dictionnary. return load_yaml(data)
[docs]class Directory: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ Directory manipulation. :param str directory: A path to the directory to manipulate. """ def __init__(self, directory): # pragma: no cover # We get the directory. = directory
[docs] def fix_path(self, splited_path=None): """ Fix the path of the given path. .. note:: We consider a path as fixed if it ends with the right directory separator. :param list splited_path: A list to convert to the right path. :return: The fixed path. :rtype: str """ if not splited_path: # A splited path is parsed. # We initate a variable which will save the splited path. split_path = [] if # The parsed directory is not empty or equal to None. if "/" in # We split the separator. split_path ="/") elif "\\" in # We split the separator. split_path ="\\") else: split_path = [] # We run the same function with the splited_path argument filled. return self.fix_path(splited_path=[x for x in split_path if x]) # We return the directory. return # We join the splited element with the directory separator as glue. return directory_separator.join(splited_path) + directory_separator
[docs]class File: """ File treatment/manipulations. :param str file: A path to the file to manipulate. """ def __init__(self, file): # We get the parsed file. self.file = file
[docs] def write(self, data_to_write, overwrite=False): """ Write or append data into the given file path. :param str data_to_write: The data to write. :param bool overwrite: Tell us if we have to overwrite the content of the file we are working with. """ if overwrite or not path.isfile(self.file): # * We have to overwrite the file data. # or # * The file path does not already exist. with open(self.file, "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") as file: # We prepare the file for writting. if data_to_write and isinstance(data_to_write, str): # * A data to write is given. # and # * The data to write is a string # We write the string into the file. file.write(data_to_write) else: # * We do not have to overwrite the file data. # or # * The file path does already exist. with open(self.file, "a", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") as file: # We prepare the file for append writting. if data_to_write and isinstance(data_to_write, str): # * A data to write is given. # and # * The data to write is a string # We append the string into the file. file.write(data_to_write)
[docs] def read(self): """ Read a given file path and return its content. :return: The content of the given file path. :rtype: str """ try: with open(self.file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: # We open and read a file. # We get the file content. funilrys = except UnicodeDecodeError: # pragma: no cover with open(self.file, "r") as file: # We open and read a file. # We get the file content. funilrys = # We return the file content. return funilrys
[docs] def delete(self): """ Delete the given file path. """ try: # We try to remove the existing file. remove(self.file) except OSError: # If the path is not found, we ignore the error. pass
[docs] def copy(self, destination): """ Copy the given file to the given destination. :param str destination: The destination of the copy. """ shutil_copy(self.file, destination)
[docs]class List: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ List manipulation. :param list main_list: The list to manipulate. """ def __init__(self, main_list=None): # pragma: no cover # We get the given list. self.main_list = [x for x in main_list if x is None or x]
[docs] def format(self): """ Return a well formatted list. Basicaly, it's sort a list and remove duplicate. :return: A sorted, without duplicate, list. :rtype: list """ try: return sorted(list(set(self.main_list)), key=str.lower) except TypeError: # pragma: no cover return self.main_list
[docs] def custom_format(self, key_method, reverse=False): """ Return a well formatted list. With the key_method as a function/method to format the elements before sorting. :param key_method: A function or method to use to format the readed element before sorting. :type key_method: function|method :param bool reverse: Tell us if we have to reverse the list. :return: A sorted list. :rtype: list """ try: return sorted(list(set(self.main_list)), key=key_method, reverse=reverse) except TypeError: # pragma: no cover return self.main_list
[docs] def merge(self, to_merge, strict=True): """ Merge to_merge into the given main list. :param list to_merge: The list to merge. :param bool strict: Tell us if we have to respect index (:code:`True`) or not (:code:`False`). :return: The merged list. :rtype: list """ # We initiate a variable which will save the # result result = [] if strict: # We are in strict mode. for index, element in enumerate(to_merge): # We loop through each element of the list to merge # to the main dict. try: if isinstance(element, dict) and isinstance( self.main_list[index], dict ): # The currently read element is a dict. # We merge its content into the main dict # and append into the result. result.append(Dict(self.main_list[index]).merge(element)) elif isinstance(element, list) and isinstance( self.main_list[index], list ): # The currently read element is a list. # We loop through this method. result.append(List(self.main_list[index]).merge(element)) else: # The currently read element is not a list # nor a dict. # We append the element to the result. result.append(element) except IndexError: # pragma: no cover # The index does not exist. # Which means that for example one list is bigger # than the other one. # We append the element to the result. result.append(element) else: # We are not is strict mode. # We initiate the result with the main list. result = self.main_list for element in to_merge: # We loop through the element to merge. if element not in result: # The currently read element is not # in the result. # We append it to the result result.append(element) # We return the result. return result
[docs]class Regex: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ A simple implementation ot the package :param str data: The data to check. :param str regex: The regex to match. :param int group: The group to return. :param bool rematch: Allow to return the matched groups into a formatted list. .. note:: This is an implementation of Bash :code:`${BASH_REMATCH}` :param str replace_with: The value to replace the matched regex with. :param int occurences: The number of occurence(s) to replace. :param return_type: Tell us if we have to return the matched data or simply check if we matched (:code:`True`) or not (:code:`False`) """ def __init__(self, data, regex, **args): # pragma: no cover # We initiate the needed variable in order to be usable all over # class = data # We assign the default value of our optional arguments optional_arguments = { "escape": False, "group": 0, "occurences": 0, "rematch": False, "replace_with": None, "return_data": True, } # We initiate our optional_arguments in order to be usable all over the # class for (arg, default) in optional_arguments.items(): setattr(self, arg, args.get(arg, default)) if self.escape: # pylint: disable=no-member self.regex = escape(regex) else: self.regex = regex
[docs] def not_matching_list(self): """ Return a list of string which don't match the given regex. """ pre_result = comp(self.regex) return [x for x in if not]
[docs] def matching_list(self): """ Return a list of the string which match the given regex. """ pre_result = comp(self.regex) return [x for x in if]
[docs] def match(self): """ Used to get exploitable result of :code:`` :return: The data of the match status. :rtype: mixed """ # We initate this variable which gonna contain the returned data result = [] # We compile the regex string to_match = comp(self.regex) # In case we have to use the implementation of ${BASH_REMATCH} we use # re.findall otherwise, we use if self.rematch: # pylint: disable=no-member pre_result = to_match.findall( else: pre_result = if self.return_data and pre_result: # pylint: disable=no-member if self.rematch: # pylint: disable=no-member for data in pre_result: if isinstance(data, tuple): result.extend(list(data)) else: result.append(data) if != 0: # pylint: disable=no-member return result[] # pylint: disable=no-member else: result = # pylint: disable=no-member ).strip() return result if not self.return_data and pre_result: # pylint: disable=no-member return True return False
[docs] def replace(self): """ Used to replace a matched string with another. :return: The data after replacement. :rtype: str """ if self.replace_with: # pylint: disable=no-member return substrings( self.regex, self.replace_with, # pylint: disable=no-member, self.occurences, # pylint: disable=no-member ) return
[docs]class Download: # pragma: no cover pylint:disable=too-few-public-methods """ Download or return the content of the given link. :param str link: The link to download. :param str destination: The location where we should save the downloaded content. .. note:: If :code:`None` is given, we return the downloaded document. :param bool return_data: Tell us if we need to return the page content or write its content into the given destination. :param bool verify_certificate: Tell us if we need to verify the SSL/TLS certificate. """ def __init__( self, link, destination=None, return_data=False, verify_certificate=True ): # We get the parsed link. = link # We get the parsed destination. self.destination = destination # We get the parsed return data. self.return_data = return_data # We get the parsed verification flag. self.verification = verify_certificate if not self.verification: # We disable the urllib warning. disable_warnings(urllib3_exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)
[docs] def text(self): """ Download the given link and return or save its :code:`requests.text` at the given destination. :rtype: mixed :raises: :code:`Exception` If the status code is not :code:`200`. """ try: # We request the link. req = requests.get(, verify=self.verification) if req.status_code == 200: # The request http status code is equal to 200. if self.return_data: # We have to return the data. # We return the link content. return req.text # We save the link content to the parsed destination. File(self.destination).write(req.text, overwrite=True) # We return True. return True # The request http status code is not equal to 200. # We raise an exception saying that we were unable to download. raise Exception("Unable to download %s." % repr( except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print(Fore.RED + "No Internet connection available." + Style.RESET_ALL) exit(1)