
Why do we use “databases”?

We use database to store data while we run the tests. When globally talking about databases, we are indirectly talking about the following subsystems.

  • Autocontinue
  • InactiveDB
  • Mining
  • WhoisDB


There is a different about what we are talking here and the --database argument which only enable/disable the InactiveDB subsystem.

How do we manage them?

They consist of simple JSON files which are read and updated on the fly.

Databases types

Since PyFunceble 2.0.0 (equivalent of PyFunceble >=1.18.0), we offer multiple database types which are (as per configuration) json (default), sqlite, mariadb and mysql.

Why different database types?

With the introduction of the multiprocessing logic, it became natural to introduce other database format as it’s a nightmare to update a JSON formatted.

Indeed in order to write or use a JSON formatted database, we have to load it and overwrite it completly. It’s great while working with a single CPU/process but as soon as we get out of that scope it become unmanagable.

How to use the sqlite format?

Simply switch the db_type index of your configuration file to sqlite. That’s it.

How to use the mysql or mariadb format?

  1. Create a new user, password and database (optional) for PyFunceble to work with.
  2. Create a .pyfunceble-env file at the root of your configuration directory.
  3. Complete it with the following content (example)
  1. Switch the db_type index of your configuration file to mysql or mariadb.
  2. Play with PyFunceble!


If the environment variables are not found, you will be asked to prompt the information.