Dead-Hosts as place to use PyFunceble!¶
Why Dead-Hosts?¶
We are conscient that PyFunceble may run for days, that’s why we offer you to request your list to be tested at Dead-Hosts.
How do Dead-Hosts work?¶
Dead-Hosts is like a wrapper of PyFunceble. Indeed, we use Travis CI containers in order to test lists with PyFunceble.
Once a list is set up inside our infrastructure, PyFunceble will
test the list regularly and the Dead-Hosts infrastructure will produce a
file which represents the list of domains/IP/URL
which remains or became ACTIVE
In addition, if needed, we can set up a list of GitHub username to @ping once a new test is finished.
History of Dead-Hosts¶
The project started on 3rd March 2017 at funilrys/dead-hosts.
The original idea was to test Funceble against hosts file in order to find bugs inside Funceble but also letting me have a fewer long hosts file.
On 23rd January 2018, I (funilrys) decided to shut funilrys/dead-hosts down. Indeed, as it became impossible to test all members of the project without having to wait weeks, I decided that it was time to move to another level.
That was the beginning of Dead-Hosts.
Today Dead-Hosts’s objective is to provide to project/list maintainers or individuals - with the help of PyFunceble - more information about their favorite project/list or domains, IP or URL.